By Lars Schall

LS: How many people lost their lives over the years related to the Kennedy assassination?

MB: A well-researched new book by Richard Belzer (“Hit List”) lists 1.400 persons with a connection to the murder and in the first three years after the assassination 33 of them came to death on unnatural causes. The probability that this happened by chance is 1: 137 billion.

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  1. My my most profound memory of the JFK assassination was the feeling that a black mass had been said upon the nation. The pall of the event shook the American psyche to it’s roots. However, for me the rabbit hole went deeper. I grew up in NOLA. I met Jim Garrison at age 12. Besides being brilliant and courageous, he was one the kindest individuals I’ve ever met. At this time I was amazed at how decent everyday people allowed themselves to be engulfed by the tidal wave of propaganda favoring the Warren Report. In 1979, the HSCA report was published. It exonerated Jim Garrison. But, the nation chose to put it’s head in the sand again and the JFK investigation was never reopened. Finally, after the movie JFK appeared in cinemas, the general public slowly started looking at the facts of the case and the tide started to change. However, 50 years after the coup, we still have an ever present continuity. Men of peace die sudden violent deaths and their counterparts live long and prosperous lives thanks to the MIC. When the nation sleeps, bad things happen.

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