**CAF Note: IMO, a typical day in the life of having to be a AT&T customer.**

By George Ure

Here’s an interesting story to get the kinks out from between the ears this morning:

Dear Mr Ure,

I have been a long time reader. Something odd happened today. My house phone rang and I ignored it. Then my cell phone rang. The person asked for Valeria Brooks. She said it was in response to a medical alert.

I have had my current home phone number for 5 years. Valeria was the last person to have that number so I occasionally get calls for her.

Here is the odd thing. Well, actually a couple of odd things. I called the number back as it read on my cell phone. A recorded message stated that the company had received my phone number when I answered an internet ad on my computer about job opportunities. It had nothing to do with a medical alert. I also never look for job opportunities.

My house phone is a land line and is hooked up to AT&T. My internet is on a separate line from Fidelity. (Yes, I know it is stupid to have 2 different providers.) There should be no way to get my home phone from my computer line.
My cell phone is only 6 months old. There is no way that it could be connected to Valeria Brooks.

Somehow, it is possible to call cell phones within a house if you know the house land line phone number. I thought that this was really weird.
Thanks for listening.

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