Greenwich Jewelry Turns to Cash as Gold Reaches $1,000 an Ounce (16 Oct 09)
Dow to Gold Ratio Update
GoldSeek (09 Oct 09)
Greenwich Jewelry Turns to Cash as Gold Reaches $1,000 an Ounce (16 Oct 09)
Dow to Gold Ratio Update
GoldSeek (09 Oct 09)
By Chuck Gibson
The charts below provide an historical perspective of what $10,000 invested in the SP500 would have returned since 1950 during the two periods, May-Oct and Nov-Apr.
[click o…
Singapore’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Warns of ‘Challenging Times’
IPE | 06 August 2014
GIC, the Singaporean sovereign wealth fund, has increased its holdings in cash and bonds and cut exposure…
Bond …
Doctors Warn: Avoid Genetically Modified Food
By Jeffrey M. Smith
On May 19th, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) called on “Physicians to educate their patients, the medical comm…
How Upgrading Humans will become the next Billion-dollar Industry
Market Watch | 08 April 017
Twitter Refuses to Out Anti-Trump Account, DHS Backs Down
Federal Times | 07 April 2017
GOP Senator: White House Encroaching on First Amendment
ABC News (05 Aug 09)
Democrats’ Break Looking Like a Bad Trip (04 Aug 09)
William Blum: Anti-Empire Report, Number 72
[CAF Note: In this very important article Shoshana Zuboff coins the term Surveillance Capitalism and warns us of the primacy of this new battleground. Professor Zuboff is addressing the very heart o…