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Exit U.S.
By Mike Muehleck posted by Eric Fry – the Rude Awakening (27 Nov 2007)
I posted this in Top Picks in December. Given the interest, I am reposting with an excerpt:
One and a half million U….
One of the great mysteries is who controls, uses and really has access to the Department of Justice’s information and data systems. The idea of private corporations building and managing such systems…
The Mortgage Fraud Fraud
The New York Times (1 June 12)
By Jonathan Weil
Never let it be said that the Justice Department can’t move quickly when it gets a hot tip about an alleged crime at a Wall Street bank. It does help, though, if the party doing …
This is a series giving a basic explanation of the current foreclosure fraud crisis: This is Part One.
The current wave of foreclosure fraud and the consequences for the economy are difficult to fo…
by John Galt
Being industrious and an insomniac has its advantages. But as a friend said to me a long time ago, you always get plenty of sleep when you’re dead so I decided to take a graphic look …