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The Solari Report 2013-06-13

Download the Money & Markets MP3 audio file


Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file

The Solari Report 2013-06-13

Download the Interview MP3 audio file


Audio Chapters

1. Introduction

Welcome Slide

2. Theme“Squeezing the Piggybank”

Theme Slide

3. Money & MarketsIn Money & Markets this week Catherine questions if the recent scandals are being used to move Biden into higher power. She also addresses the events in Syria and Turkey and market trends domestically and abroad.

Money and Markets Slide

4. Hero Our hero this week is Ang Lee, director of the film Life of Pi.

Hero Slide

5. Ask Catherine Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.

Ask Catherine Slide

6. Let’s Go to the Movies! Catherine reviews Life of Pi, a film by this weeks hero, Ang Lee. The story revolves around a 16 year-old Indian boy who survives a shipwreck and is stranded in the Pacific Ocean on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.

Movie Slide

7. Closing

June 20: The NSA, Edward Snowden, and What It All Means with Jon Rappoport

June 27:US Housing Markets with Dr. Zinnia Mukherjee

July 4: 2nd Quarter Wrap Up

8. Interview Catherine is joined by Rainey Reitman from the Electronic Frontier Foundation where she leads the activism team. Her particular interests are in personal privacy and technology and how they interact. Reitman also served as Director of Communications for the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a nonprofit advocacy and education organization promoting consumer privacy.

Interview Slide

“Life is a story…You can choose your story.” ~ Yann Martel

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This week we are starting our new format on The Solari Report!

On Thursday afternoon, we will post my interview with Rainey Reitman of the Electronic Frontier Foundation  about Internet Freedom. As we become ever more dependent on our digital infrastructure and the companies who manage portions of it, profound and complex questions are arising over governance, rights, privacy and enforcement within cyberspace.  Our goal is to provide you with an overview of the issues before us and actions you can take to protect your privacy as well as to contribute to those leading the efforts in legislatures and court rooms to ensure the same.

Our live Thursday evening presentation continues a 30 minute format with Money & Markets, Ask Catherine and Let’s Go To the Movies, so please post your questions for me at the blog.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Ang Lee’s remarkable movie, The Life of Pi, based on the equally remarkable book by Canadian author Yann Martel. Surviving a ship wreck that kills his family who is transporting the animals from their Indian zoo, a young man named Pi is stranded on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger.

Talk to you Thursday!

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