[CAF Note: Geez – why allow our taxes to pay for the police state, when consumers can fund directly?]
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[CAF Note: Geez – why allow our taxes to pay for the police state, when consumers can fund directly?]
Thanks to Matt Taibbi’s wonderful article “The Great American Bubble Machine,” I was inspired to do some more bailout math.
It looks to me like Goldman Sachs won big on the bailout. They got a $13 bi…
Radioactive Bluefin Tuna Caught Off California Coast
Liberals Unite | 24 August 2013
Every bluefin tuna tested in the waters off California has shown to be contaminated…
13 Lies GMO Labeling Oppone…
U.S. securities regulators are examining weekly meetings at Goldman Sachs Group Inc, where research analysts offer tips to traders and then to big clients, the Wall Street Journal reported on its we…
What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)?
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a secretive, multi-national trade agreement that threatens to extend restrictive intellectual p…
Credit: Claude Lewenz