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The Solari Report 2013-04-04

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Gold Short Term Chart

Silver Short Term Chart

Dow Short Term Chart

S&P 500 Short Term Chart

Dow in Gold Chart

Dow in Silver Chart

U.S. Dollar Index Chart

Dow in Gold over 17 Years Chart

AAPL Chart

Gold Over Silver Ratio

Audio Chapters

1. Introduction

Welcome Slide

2. Theme “Property Rights in Play”

Theme Slide

3. Money & Markets In Money & Markets, Catherine gives us the real story behind the earthquake in Iran and discusses developments in crowdfunding. Catherine also addresses Margaret Thatcher’s death and what is happening with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Money and Markets Slide

Margaret Thatcher

4. Hero Our hero this week is the late film critic Roger Ebert.

Hero Slide

5. Ask Catherine Catherine answers subscribers’ questions.

Ask Catherine Slide

6. Interview Catherine and Franklin Sanders discuss the markets and then are joined by Larry Pratt, the Executive Director for Gun Owners of America.

Interview Slide

7. Let’s Go to the Movies! Catherine reviews Innocents Betrayed, a documentary that reviews a history of government genocide of unarmed populations. Beware – it’s tough stuff. However, it is essential to understand the importance of a well armed, well trained population to maintain the balance of power between people, governments and large corporations that now have the power to field private security forces.

Movie Slide

8. Closing

Apr 18 Equity Overview with Chuck Gibson:Yields & Volatility of Bonds vs. Stocks

Apr 25 Jon Rappoport and Catherine discuss Hamilton Securities

May 2 Creating Successful Conspiracies: What Works and Why with Kimberly and Foster Gamble

May 9 Precious Metals Market Report with Franklin Sanders

Closing Slide

“When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This Thursday, I am headed over to Top of the World Farm to join Franklin Sanders for the Solari Report. After Money & Markets, Franklin will update us on the precious metals markets and the development of two-tiered markets. We will talk about the stress in the physical market and related geopolitics.

Given the compromises of Eurozone deposit insurance in Cyprus, the demand for ways to transact outside digital and banking systems are growing. We will walk you through the numbers – driving prices down is a much faster, less expensive, more effective form of confiscation than legislative action.

Protection of our financial assets, however, depends on our right to own and bear arms. Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, will join us by pre-recording to review increasingly successful efforts to prevent new federal gun control laws. Franklin and I will then connect the dots to our ability to grow and trade fresh food at reasonable prices and to maintain our ability to transact with gold, silver and cash. I will also review again the reasons to avoid Bitcoin.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Innocents Betrayed, a documentary that reviews a history of government genocide of unarmed populations. Beware – it’s tough stuff. However, it is essential to understand the importance of a well armed, well trained population to maintain the balance of power between people, governments and large corporations that now have the power to field private security forces. Watch the film here.

Do post your questions for us on the blog!

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