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The Solari Report – 17 Sept 2009

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If you asked me for a list of the top ten books to help you survive, thrive and make a real difference in the 21st century, Laurence Gonzales’ Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies and Why would be at the top of the list.

Beautifully written, Deep Survival moves the reader through a series of extraordinary wilderness survival experiences. In the process, we learn the practices that bring success in the face of life-threatening adversity. These are lessons that serve us well in the wilderness, in leadership, and in the struggles of daily life.

This week, I am delighted to have Laurence join me on The Solari Report to talk about Deep Survival and his new book, Everyday Survival: Why Smart People Do Stupid Things, as well as to review his “Twelve Rules of Survival.

In our Money and Markets segment, I will be briefing subscribers on the extraordinary developments in the currency and precious metals markets and discussing the upcoming G-20 meeting in Pittsburgh. In Ask Catherine, I respond to subscriber questions, including questions regarding my opposition to the Administration’s health care reform.

If you are a subscriber to The Solari Report, you can post your questions at your private panel. Listen live on Thursday evening by phone, listen online, or by downloading the mp3 after it is posted on Friday.

What Laurence Gonzales teaches us can literally save lives. I encourage you to invite your close friends, family, or the members of your Solari Circle to join you to listen to this week’s Solari Report. You could follow the interview with a discussion of how to integrate the rules of survival into your own lives. If appropriate, have a potluck dinner with neighbors and enjoy the community created when we address difficult times together.

Whatever you do, don’t miss this one!

If you would like to learn more about The Solari Report and subscribe, click here. Subscribers enjoy access to our complete MP3 archive.

This week’s Money and Markets charts will be posted at the blog on Thursday morning.

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