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The Global Financial Crisis
The Great Depression of the 21st Century
FAA Relents, Will Open Database on Airplane-bird Collisions to Public
CNN.con/US (22 April 09)
Obama Announces Plan to Lease F…
Top 100 Items to Disappear First During a National Emergency
Before It’s News (26 Oct 10)
If it is bothering you that the price of everything that is losing value is up and the price of everything that is increasing in value is down, Eric Sprott’s latest may help you stay grounded.
The Ph…
By Sue and Pete Hill
The sculpture, In the Garden of Dreams, was made by brother and sister team Sue and Pete Hill.This sculpture was created as a sister to the Mud Maid which can be found at the Lo…
“Chance favors the prepared”
~ From a Steven Seagal movie
By Alan Purkiss
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) offered Libya the opportunity to become one of its biggest shareholders two years ago, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing unidentified people fam…