YouTube | 06 November 2006
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YouTube | 06 November 2006
CME Declares Force Majeure at Manhattan Gold Depository
Fox Business | 26 November 2012
MTB, one of five depositories licensed to deliver gold against CME’s benchmark 100-troy ounce gold contract, hel…
In the early Christian era, many Celtic Christians embarked on a kind of pilgrimage called a peregrinatio. Unlike the pilgrimages to the Holy Land undertaken by Christians in the Middle Ages, a per…
Ukraine Accuses Russia of ‘Military Invasion’ as Gunmen Seize Airports
Fox News | 28 February 2014
Armed forces were blocking the two main airports in the strategic peninsula…
Peter M. Flanigan, Ba…
Rasmussen Reports (16 Feb 10)
Forty-three percent (43%) of U.S. voters rate the performance of their local government as tops compared to its counterparts on the state and federal level.
A new Rasmu…
Alaska House Passes 2nd Amendment Preservation Act, 31-5
Today, February 25th, Alaska’s Second Amendment Preservation Act, HB69, has passed the State House and will now move on to the Senate for co…
Solari has produced a new free podcast—The Solari Report Digest #24.
Listen to Solari Report Digest #24
The Solari Report Digest is a free podcast featuring highlights from the live one-hour…