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Madam Secretary:
You have asked Congress “Whose side are you on?” when they questioned US efforts in Libya.
See: Clinton Asks Congress, Whose Side Are You On?
Perhaps Congress should ask the same q…
Read the Transcript
Read the transcript of the 2015 1st Quarter Equity Overview here PDF
The Solari Report 2015-03-05
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A Yankee Inventor Takes On Beijing Smog
Qing’s Tea House | 10 June 2014
On days when Beijing’s heavy air pollution is especially pungent…
Southwest, UPS Airliners Aid in Weather Forecasting Revol…
By SN Staff
In a controversial and potentially groundbreaking decision, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has submitted a document supporting the commercial production of a genetically engineer…
Let Us Not Abandon Listening in the Classroom
Education Week (31 Aug 11)
Curious about what goes on inside an “alleged” robosigning operation? A Florida law firm has posted a video on YouTube that might interest you.
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