China Moves to Cut Reliance on Dollar
Financial Times (03 July 09)
[Must subscribe to read full article.]

Keep an Eye on Russia’s Imploding Banks (02 July 09)

Sweden Cuts Rates to Record Low as European Crunch Deepens (02 July 09)

Staffer at Sec Had Warned Of Madoff
The Washington Post (02 July 09)

Clean Energy Investment Leaps
Reuters (02 July 09)

As Deficit Grows, Calif. Prepares to Issue IOUs
Yahoo News (02 July 09)

Templeton Targets UK Land
Reuters (02 July 09)

US Government Gives it Spending Data Some Flash
Ars Technica (01 July 09)

Exceedingly Odd Reimbursements
Truthout (30 June 09)

Ten States Race to Finish Budgets
The Wall Street Journal (30 June 09)

Court Allows States to Challenge National Banks
The Washington Post (June 29 09)

China’s Banks Are an Accident Waiting to Happen to Every One of us (28 June 09)

Q1 Bank Trading: Only Interest Rate Derivatives (Make That Goldman Sachs) Profitable
Zero Hedge (26 June 09)

Jobless Recovery Redux? (05 June 09)

Carlyle Raises $1.04 Billion For Asia Growth Fund
Reuters (30 June 09)

GM Cuts Ties With Toyota in U.S. Joint-venture
Reuters (30 June 09)

How a Loophole Benefits GE in Bank Rescue
The Washington Post (29 June 09)

Rothschild And Freshfields Founders Linked to Slavery
Financial Times (26 June 09) [Must subscribe to read full article.]

On the Edge with Max Keiser – 26 June 2009 – (pt3 of 4)

On the Edge with Max Keiser – 26 June 2009 – (pt4 of 4)

Gore Denies that Ken Lay, Goldman Sachs CEOs Helped Develop C02 Trading ‘Scheme’: VIDEO (27 June 09)

Good News, Bad News on Derivatives
CNN Money (26 June 09)

Fed Extends Global Emergency Funding
CNN Money (25 June 09)

Members of US House Financial Services Committee Snapped Up or Dumped Bank Stocks as Bottom Fell Out of Market
Truthout (25 June 09)

U.S. “Mass Lay-offs” at Record High (25 June 09)

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