The Bohemian club! Did you say Bohemian club? That’s where all those rich Republicans go up and stand naked against redwood trees right? I’ve never been to the Bohemian club but you oughta go. It’d be good for you. You’d get some fresh air.” ~ Bill Clinton

[Originally published in 2019]

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Well, the annual Bohemian Grove is about to get underway north of San Francisco.

Project Censored’s Peter Phillips commemorated the 2015 event with a column, Global One Percent Celebrate at the Bohemian Grove.

There are numerous likely topics: Open issues to resolve in the federal budget before appropriations are finalized in September and how to manage the secret budgets now that FASAB 56 is in place. Then there is DOD’s Jedi Contract with an expected announcement date in August. There is the how of how to get to regime change in Iran. There are also next steps on new technology – everything from evolving the governance of the tech giants to the energy model to the integration of robotics and AI and weather warfare. Then the goal and nature of trade wars. Planning for the next round of piratization after the election is likely on the list. The build out of Silicon Valley North. Lots of opportunities to allocate and spend all that money going missing. Last but not least, there is the question of how the Epstein prosecution will achieve after the Department of Justice has finished asserting control of all aspects of the case and the resulting evidence.

To invent the future, you have to finance the conditions precedent that create that future. That means lots of discussion and consensus about sources and uses of funds across many industries, regions and investors.

It’s hard work, but someone’s gotta do it.

When I became a partner of a Wall Street firm, I attended the partners’ annual strategic planning conference. The Chairman of our firm attended the Grove faithfully every year. He started his remarks at our annual conference with the following:

“Let me tell you what is going to happen this year…”

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