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By Michael Gormley
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is seeking records from three major Wall Street banks as part of a broad investigation into the mortgage crisis that fueled the recess…
This link is a list of GeoEngineering Watch’s list of important GeoEngineering Patents to pay attention to.
Read the list here.
What’s Really In The Healthcare Bill?
Undernews (19 March 10)
Rep. Alan Grayson’s “Medicare You Can Buy Into Act” Attracts 50 Co-Sponsors
Democracy Now (17 March 10)
Ralph Bauer: Cottonwood Co…
The Federal Reserve Plans To Monitor Facebook, Twitter, Google News
Fast Company (11 Oct 11)
Georgia Considers Replacing Firefighters With Free Prison Laborers
Truthout (13 Oct 11)
U.S. Challenged t…
By Peter Coy and Susan Berfield
The public images of low-paying employers such as Wal-Mart and McDonald’s take a hit during the holidays, when Americans are seized by a spirit of charity. Stephen…
CIC Looks to Pile Cash Into U.S. Real Estate
The Wall Street Journal (09 Sept 09)
Loan Losses Spark Concern Over FHA
The Wall Street Journal (04 Sept 09)