Given the interest in the housing and mortgage bubble, here are links to introduce leading institutional players in the governance, regulation and credit guarantee/enhancement of the US mortgage market.

As the housing and mortgage bubble was a component of the “strong dollar policy,” the same players are also present in the other components, including the suppression of the gold price (a necessary step that preceded this bubble as the suppression of the gold price turns off the financial “smoke alarm”) and the refusal to produce audited financial statements for the US government from fiscal 1995 to date (as required by law) thus allowiing trillions to go missing from the US government.



Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

Central Banks at Wikipedia


Federal Reserve System

Governors of the Federal Reserve Board

Federal Reserve Banks

The Federal Reserve Districts are listed below along with their identifying letter and number. These are used on Federal Reserve Notes to identify the issuing bank for each note.

[Live chart available at Wikipedia]

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Depository to the US Government)

Selected New York Fed Member Banks

Bank of New York



JP Morgan Chase

Goldman Sachs


To see top equity shareholders, a teriffic reader has provided the following:
The Great Dragon (Ownership/Control of a Publicly-Listed Corporation)

US Government

US Treasury

The Exchange Stabilization Fund

US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight

Federal Housing Administration

Ginnie Mae

Veterans Administration Loan Guarantees

US Department of Agriculture – Rural Development and Farmers Home

Office of Management and Budget

Department of Justice

Top 200 Civilian Contractors




Authorizing Committees

House Committee on Financial Services

Senate Committee on Finances

Senate Committee on Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs

House Committee on Appropriations for:

Transportation, HUD

Military Construction, Veterans Affairs

Senate Committes on Appropriations for:

Transportation, HUD

Military Construction, Veterans Affairs

Government Sponsored Enterprises

Government Sponsored Enterprises

Fannie Mae

Freddie Mac

Federal Home Loan Bank System

To see top equity shareholders, a teriffic reader has provided the following:
The Great Dragon (Ownership/Control of a Publicly-Listed Corporation)

Industry Associations

American Bankers Association

American Bar Association

Appraisal Institute

Mortgage Bankers Association

National Association of Homebuilders

National Association of Realtors

The American Council of Life Insurers

Other Players

Rating Agencies

Big Four Auditors

Other Tools That Help Explain

Mortgage Meltdown ~ A Denver Post Graphic

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