Movie of the Week: February 24, 2025: The Sack of Rome: Elon Musk’s Digital Coup – The Solari Report

Movie of the Week

The Sack of Rome

Elon Musk’s Digital Coup

February 22, 2025

“The separation of agencies’ datasets, under normal circumstances, and past privacy safeguards, all meant that no one could create a social credit score with the US government’s data, let alone use to it to target dissidents and critics. Now that protection is gone.”

~ Dr. Naomi Wolf

Movie of the Week

The Sack of Rome

Elon Musk’s Digital Coup

This week, we are recommending the video version of Dr. Naomi Wolf’s recent Substack article, “The Sack of Rome: Elon Musk’s Digital Coup.” After reading her article out loud (through minute 50), Wolf spends another 30 minutes discussing some of the comments posted by viewers and further explains why she is “so vigilant about unchecked government use of our data.”

In response to one comment referencing IBM’s collaboration with the Nazis to carry out eugenics during WWII (as described in Edwin Black’s bestseller, IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation), she notes, “Eugenicists like lightning-fast strikes when there’s a targeted population. That’s why you have to be really careful about who can compile the lists and who can put the ‘yellow star,’ in effect, on the lists.” With the various targeted depopulation efforts that we have witnessed in recent years—including hospital murders and precision weather warfare—Wolf’s warning about lists and “lightning-fast strikes” takes on new shades of meaning.

Observing segments of the public having fun “hating on the government,” Wolf also warns that there are significant risks to using a “hatchet rather than surgical instruments” to eliminate waste and fraud. As one example, she points out that eliminating meritocracy and respect for the important work that many federal workers do risks dissuading a generation of young people from going into public service. As Catherine has often pointed out, before anyone cheers the migration of critical responsibilities over to non-transparent private contractors and AI, they should think long and hard about what it will mean if the central bankers achieve their goal of neutering Congressional power and oversight over the fiscal side of the house.

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