Music of the Week: December 20, 2024: Harpa Dei – Maranatha – The Solari Report

Music of the Week


Harpa Dei

December 20, 2024

Music of the Week, December 20, 2024


Harpa Dei


The very early Christians who witnessed Christ’s ascension believed that He would return soon—yes, within their lifetime. “Maranatha” is an Aramaic exclamation that expresses this expectation of Christ’s imminent reappearance.

Later, the sacred expression was spoken at communion as well as during the time of Advent (the weeks before Christmas) to refer to His birth but also to call for his glorious return.

Depending on how the syllables are separated and where in the Aramaic sentence it appears, the word can be translated as “Our Lord has come,” or “Our Lord will come” (maran atha), or as “Our Lord, come!” (marana tha).

All three of these interpretations are living Christian faith in the celebration of His first coming, the expectation of His second coming, and the plea for His presence now.

Harpa Dei’s timeless mystical music captures this eternal event.


Harpa Dei (Homepage)

Maranatha (Wikipedia)

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