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Banksy’s Dismaland: ‘Amusements and Anarchism’ in Artist’s Biggest Project Yet
The Guardian | 20 August 2015
In one tent would-be anarchists can…
A Town in Michigan Pooled their Money to Send Eve…
Frederic Leighton. Portrait of a Roman Lady (La Nanna), 1859. Oil on canvas. Purchased with the Henry Clifford Memorial Fund, 1976, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia. Photo: Philadelphia Museu…
“How you live your life is your business, just remember, our hearts and our bodies are given to us only once. And before you know it, your heart is worn out, and, as for your body, there comes a point when no one looks at it, much less wants to come near it. Right now,…
The Business 9 Women Kept A Secret For Three Decades
Daily Good | 29 June 2012
Somewhere in West Tennessee, not far from Graceland…
Leaning Tower of Pisa Straightening by the Day
India Times | 25 A…
America at Home: Small Houses and Quirky Homes
Photos – At Yahoo News (16 Jun 2008)
Russian Spa Opens Monument to the Enema
Associated Press (19 Jun 2008)
Images from the Spitzer Space Telescope
ANNOUNCEMENT: I have just learned that Dr. Perry and his wife Kim were killed in a plane crash this past weekend {August 14, 2016) with two other couples as they returned from a dental conference in…