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“Leonardo is the perfect symbol both of the Renaissance and the modern man: complete, versatile, creative and future oriented”- Dr. Claudio Salsi, Director of Conservation of the Sforza Castle, Mi…
Taking stock of local food resilience organizations, we can include non profits, small business, companies, associations, municipal, state and federal agencies and even hobby groups. A recent food stu…
The Devolution of the Seas
Foreign Affairs | November 2013
Of all the threats looming over the planet today…
The Industrial Revolution You Haven’t Met
The Daily Bell | 07 November 2013
In textile f…
By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Art serves many social purposes, such as creating a magic ritual, preserving memories, announcing praise or condemnation, revising history, and (obviously) providing esthetic enjoyment. It’s no wonder, then, that art has also been used to warn people of the potential consequences of their actions. The British Museum houses…
Protect Yourself From ID Theft On Vacation
Kiplinger 9 July 2012
I’m going on vacation next week. What should I do to protect myself from identity theft while I’m gone? . . .
You Can’t Rollerskat…
Anger Rooms: A Smashing New Way to Relieve Stress
NY Times | 26 November 2016
Room charges $25 for…
Education System Broken: Let’s Try ‘Ed-Exit’
RPI | 21 November 2016
Inevitably leads to ……