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Irish School Victims Angry That Abusers Not Named
Yahoo News (21 May 09)
Catholic Church Shamed by Irish Abuse Report
Yahoo News (20 May 09)
What Rails And Roads Tell us About Class & Power
Notre Dame Cathedral, empty for Christmas, may never recover from devastating fire
USA Today | 26 December 2019
(1st 14 min) Jordan Peterson | 25 January 2015
Orthodox Church | 20 March 201…
The New World Order: Does It All Just Boil Down to a Battle For Your Soul?
Alt Market | 19 November 2014
They try to convince us that there is no…
United: Black Gun Owners Protect White Owned Busi…
A Family Affair: 6 Tips for Having the Estate Planning Talk
LearnVe$t | 26 November 2014
It makes sense to at least spend a few minutes explaining…
On conspiracy Theories and Credibility
Vineyard S…
Poll: Majority of Americans Think Hollywood has Negative Impact on Society
Info Wars | October 2017
The Continuing Demise of Tinsel Town..
Why I’m Leaving my Small Southern Town
Strong Towns | 1…
‘Be Everything’ original artwork. Bob Moran’s site can be found here.