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Gustav Klimt. Beethoven Frieze (detail). Vienna. Photo: Public Domain Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Ludwig van Beethoven’s birth date is unknown but his baptism, that most likely took place no later than a day later, has been recorded as December 17, 1770. This year, therefore, it is a round 250 year…
The Case for Reparations: Until We Reckon With Our Compounding Moral Debts, America Will Never Be Whole.
The Atlantic | June 2014
By our unpaid labor and suffering, we have…
Homeless Florida ‘Pia…
By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout As the end of hot summer days approaches, it is the perfect time to binge a little on some shows, perhaps during a lazy weekend by the water. Lolling about on a hot afternoon does not mean we have to give up on intellectual prowess, however, so I…
Natural vs. Conventional Medicine? What are the Advantages?
Johnny Delirious | 05 February 2017
(How we got to here) medical board has got some Baltimore Bureaucrat…
Vaccines: New Study Reveals Pre…
Book of the City of Ladies. Christine de Pizan (c. 1405). Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout We do not know who illustrated the Book of the City of Ladies, but we know the author: Christine de Pizan (or de Pisan). This miniature portrays her as…
50 Years Ago, This Was a Wasteland. He Changed Everything | Short Film Showcase
YouTube | 24 April 2017
Setting the Example…
Bell Tolls for Historic Bell Maker
CNS News | 30 April 2017