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You Tube | 09 October 2017
Stop Digging…
Lessons Learned
Strong Towns | November 2017
The Face of Corruption- death by 1,000 cuts
The Case for Small Southern Towns
Strong Towns | 25 Octo…
(19 Nov 11)
Deep Craft: Beyond Etsy & Make; Slow Design & The Good Life
(23 May 12)
Duped By The Beast of War
Awaken in the Dream
As if living in a never-ending “war-time,” the war drums are once again fast approaching…
Genetic Testing Will Drive New Luxury Advertising Market
George Martin: the man who changed pop forever (with a little help from his friends)
The Guardian | 09 March 2016
Understood that a weird…
Teach Your Children: A Family Run Business
Teach Your Chi…
Damian Hirst. The Triumph of Death Blossom (2018). Private collection© Damien Hirst and Science Ltd. All rights reserved, DACS 2021. Photographed by Prudence Cuming Associates. Photo: Courtesy Fondation Cartier By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout September saw Parisians mostly spending their weekends out in the streets. Some of them (an estimated 17,000) were attending…
Linette Crosby
Richmond Police Build Garden to Help Local Food Bank (6 May 10)
The Danger of Disclosure
Unknown Country (6 May 10)
Does This Sound Like Your Neighborhood?
James E…