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Wu Youru. Regaining the Provincial Capital of Ruizhou (1886). Private collection. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The conventional wisdom that “law” and “justice” are not the same thing can be illustrated by works of art from any historical period. The painting above represents a battle between the Chinese Imperial army…
Nina Heyn is Your Culture Scout – the author of the Food for the Soul column and the creator of the Food for the Soul audio.
Please click here for Audio
Dear Sofia:
I am writing this email in the hopes that you will do research on this issue as your research skills are considerable and bring it to a wider audience. I am very familiar with the work…
Land Girls Hoeing. Manly Edward MacDonald (1918-19). Canada War Museum. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout
Women have not always been stuck at home just sewing and ru…
The Best SA Articles Of All Time, As Chosen By Their Authors
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Catherine’s Latest Kiva Loan
A loan of $275 helped Korto to purchase more rice, oil, pepper, fish, meat, charcoal, etc. for her business…
The Brutal World of the Nelson-era Navy
BBC News | 20…