I would like to express my confidence in the new Editor of From The Wilderness, Carolyn Baker. FTW Publisher Mike Ruppert has decided to leave the United States. He has turned over the FTW editorship to a very capable person.

These events underscore that acting locally and networking globally have never been more important. Between now and December, I am scheduled to be in New Zealand, Santa Cruz and Sebastopol California, Phoenix and Tuscon Arizona, Hickory Valley Tennessee, Ashland Oregon, Salt Spring Island BC, Kalispell Montana, New Orleans, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and Philadelphia and then home to Hickory Valley for Xmas. And the schedule is not yet filled, so stay tuned for our e-mail updates and the Tuning In section of www.wordpressdevurl.com.

I have had the opportunity to drive approximately 250,000 miles across America in the last six years and have now visited all 50 states. We live in a beautiful country. We live in a country full of wonderful and generous people. America right now is undergoing very painful change. Much change will be required. Within us and within these events there is much that is good and healthy. We need a process that will unleash that which is good and shed that which is not useful. Our dream at Solari is to contribute to this. Remember, a negative return on investment always looks hopeless and indeed it is. Unless and until you turn it positive. At which point a lot of positive things can happen.

Remember what John Adams said — “the Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the People.” America is a state of mind and heart. America is not merely a government. America is not merely a financial system. America is also an idea and an ideal. America is very much alive and the people of America are linking around the world to other people and other places and from these living networks will arise a new world.

As William Shakespere wrote in King Henry VI, “Let pale-faced fear keep with the mean-born man and find no harbour in a royal heart.”

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