Here is a great idea – using wiki technology to bring transparency to government spending, starting with the stimulus package.
OK, anyone want to wikify the bailout?
Here is a great idea – using wiki technology to bring transparency to government spending, starting with the stimulus package.
OK, anyone want to wikify the bailout?
By Dawn Kopecki and Catherine Dodge
U.S. taxpayers may be on the hook for as much as $23.7 trillion to bolster the economy and bail out financial companies, said Neil Barofsky, special inspector gene…
By Tyler Durden
It would appear that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) website – required when purchasing a gun or explosive – is capable of handling large volumes of use…
How House Prices And Debts Are Building Ugly Tensions Between Parents And Their Children (8 Sept 10)
Housing Woes Bring a New Cry: Let the Market Fall
The New York Times (5 Sept 10)
‘Houston, We Have a Problem’
Bloomberg | 10 December 2014
It appears that the US is on the verge…
Insider Trading Prosecutions Just Got Harder as Court Raises Bar
Bloomberg | 10 December 2014
He …
Amid Tweeted Frustration, Japan May Take Control of TEPCO
Time (1 April 11)
Ivory Coast Rebels Seize State TV, Control Gbagbo Palace
Bloomberg (1 April 11)
Anxiety Roils Libyan Capital Amid Top-Leve…
“Justice is a big rug. When you pull it out from under one man, a lot of others fall too.” ~Dorothy Kilgallen
Earlier this year, the New York Post reported that the Manhattan District Attorney’…