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Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce Andy Gipson told ABC-16 news that the state will be one of just two (along with Missouri) to utilize ‘Truth in Labeling’ standards, enabling cu…
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Is there a genocide happening before our very eyes? What is the cause of the unheard-of increase in all-cause mortality in Western nations? How is it possible that s…
By Pete Kennedy
Another chapter in the Great Poisoning is currently unfolding in the Iowa Legislature with a bill that could be a preview of what’s to come in many state Houses across the countr…
by: Corey Lynn
As with most agendas being perpetrated on human beings, those who manufactured the alleged “crisis” are those profiting from it, and some of these globalists are so slick, they …
[2009] Documentary by Naomi Klein
The shock doctrine is a theory for explaining the way that force, stealth and crisis are used in implementing neoliberal economic policies such as privatizati…