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Theme: Don’t Believe the Backpedaling
Interview: 2022 Annual Wrap Up: Pharma Food with Elze van Hamelen
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Theme: Corruption Ain’t What It Used To Be
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Interview: A 21st-Century Approach to Energy, Part III – What Can I Do? with…
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Theme: Bernanke Awarded Nobel Prize for Criminality
Interview: Spiritual Science in the Present Age Series: Occult Politics with Thomas H. Meyer
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Hello Catherine,
I am wondering about this date of Dec.13th as the date in the US that cash will become worthless, and replaced by the digital dollar. It is referred to as “C-Day” in the article. Have you heard anything about this particular date? This article was posted by a Christian ministry site that I trust. Thank you for your work!
I don’t see the infrastructure in place to do this by 2022. But no way to know I don’t read the EO the same.
Do you know what the presidential order #14067 by Biden is actually saying?
Hi Catherine, John & team,
Where can I find the project Veritas link on climate change and cnn?
I checked their telegram channel but the clip is different to what you show.
Thanks so much
Hi Catherine, Your excellent videos like Money and Markets have a new glitch. The elapsed time on the bottom is gone. This creates a real pain for those of us who don’t watch them
in one sitting. With no elapsed time to refer to we have no way to resume watching at the place we left off.
Please correct, thanks. Ps You do a terrific job. Keep up the good work!
Asked our team if they can add back on our new video server.
Catherine, william schneider again. I have listened to your 2nd qtr wrap up and now this money and markets report. Much great info and know that I respect you immensely.
I will share two profound concerns I have with your entire Solari reporting system and I begin to believe this is something irreparable for you.
In general I am seeing that you seem loath to discuss in detail any specifics regarding the two hot issues of religion and politics. This allows you to touch a large audience without offending many folks. Unfortunately this waters down the truth considerably.
I am Catholic christian and I have never heard you speak of importance of worship of the triun God or certainly Mary the mother of God. This is huge problem for me and I believe
God. To completely delete God of Christianity from your discussion is a massive problem.
The truth is compromised in all areas of discussion.s
And then there is politics. YOu have said we should forget about who is president of the US and I would presume any major country in our world. You have noted your general disdain for Pres. Trump. I would say election integrity in the future of the US and the Western world is critical to survival of our constitutional Republics-most specifically for US. You have not spoken of the stolen 2020 election in US. If we ignore elections and do not worry about who is going to be president we are handing our country over to goons who will bring us dystopian nightmare.
So Solari does so much good to free us from Mr Global’s ugly grasp but I believe strongly that your lack of emphasis on powerful religious truths and your lack of interest in election integrity in this Republic are glaring deficits in effort to free us from Mr. Globals dystopian plans.
I really must say that these concerns may drive me to give up my prescription to Solari because Solari lacks real substance by ignoring these extraordinarily important issues. May God bless you Catherine.
I have caught several comments in Money and Markets that the election(s) were not on the up and up. Yes, Catherine may have her reasons for not giving more attention to this, but it has been mentioned. I never felt the lack of focus preventing me, or anyone, from getting involved in election integrity.
I just wrote a response. Yikes! The software trashed it, so starting again and will post in segments to make sure it does not happen again.
I have enjoyed having you as a subscriber. However, you are always welcome to come and go as you please.
Unlikely that you will ever hear me minister on spiritual matters. I believe it is of the utmost importance that we each establish an intimate relationship with the divinity. Each of us is responsible to do so. I will talk on occasion on how that process has worked for me. I am not going to tell anyone else how to do it. If you look at the significant opportunity for improvement in my life, I am not comfortable with lecturing others.
Dr. Farrell has much more knowledge on these matters and strong opinions and on occasion, I have recommended his work to others.
Election fraud has been a serious problem since I was a child. As I have described, one of my first boyfriends was the son of a South Philadelphia Ward Leader. Several times I have recommended Jon Rappoport’s description of counting the vote on his Congressional run. This goes way back.
Off and on, I have recommended researchers or websites who I thought were good on this topic and talked about the explosion of fraud as a result of digital systems.It is the same problem as financial fraud. Digital systems were launched primarily to serve central control, including on a stealth basis.
I also mentioned on the Presidential election in 2020 that the Democrats had rigged the vote in a series of large cities where they control and that the Trump team had done a uniquely poor job of stopping it – including having their Attorney General pull the rug out from under them. Patrick Byrne has done a good job of describing.
I have no special expertise to bring to the election effort – i agree it is important. I think all elections are important. I spent a great deal of time and money making sure I voted in the last Presidential election. However, the presidency is a prisonor of the red button problem. That means if we want real change we must allocate time to what is happening in our own wallets and in our local and regional areas. The problems that require change will not be addressed by changing the presidency – although they can certainly be improved, particularly as a matter of discourse and style.
For example, if we want incremental change of great importance in the USA lets make sure the Republicans landslide House and Senate in November so we can protect the 2nd Amendment, Free Speech and Health Freedom. However, if you want real soverignty then read https://ourmoney.solari.com/taxation and go to work with your state legislators.
No point worrying about elections if all the state computers are run by AT&T and all the state bank and asset accounts are run by JPMorgan Chase and the NY Fed controls the tax money and the currency.
I live in rural part of Hawaii island, mostly populated by mixed descendants of imported plantation workers from Japan, China, Phillipines, Portugal & Puerto Rico, mixed with Polynesians. I tutor & grow a school garden at the local middle school because I believe in helping young people get through the mess that is public schooling. In 2020, Hawaii’s governor mandated all public workers be vaxxed. They allowed me to upload weekly test results last year. This year Hawaii’s DOE requires either a medical or a religious exemption. My mainstream doctor refused to discuss a medical exemption, time to find a new doctor. Anyway, the office manager gave me a form for religious exemption. I’m not a member of any religion. I wrote that I believe in the sanctity of the human body, & that I will not inject anything derived from fetal tissue. I was called by a DOE employee & interviewed, I was calm, honest, & non political. Simply said, I don’t believe in putting man made chemicals into my body. To my big surprise I was granted the exemption, & I will continue to teach kids to grow their own non gmo food. Life wins !!! Jus one man’s experience I wanted to share.
Catherine you’ve started the Cash Friday/Cash Everyday!!!
Love it. You even get honorable mention in Cliffs video!
I’m using cash now for all personal services and all of my groceries/sundries!
Good for you. Pass it on.
Hello Catherine,
thank you for another good Money and Markets Report.
I will see you soon in Lindau, and wanted to ask you for your birth data, since I have been doing besides other things also astrology and Ulrike told me to ask you directly. You can send it to my e-mail if you want to.
Just saw the new spiritual/science report. That sounds interesting, although it may not have a lot of new things for me.
Also wanted to ask if I can renew my subscription in Lindau?
Thank you
Birth date is 12-24-50 at 11:15pm in Philadelphia Pa US
Fine to renew in Lindau!
Here’s a story I found several days ago about the Bank of Ireland going cashless.
Revealed: the full list of AIB branches to go cashless this year – find out if your branch is affected
Aoife Breslin
July 19 2022 01:52 PM
Fortunately, the decision was reversed about a week later.
Push back was significant. If anyone sees any articles about it, would love to post.
Christina, thank you for bringing this to our attention. Thank goodness for pushback. However, if, in the future, banks no longer offer cash “services,” will people still be able to use their cash?
Thanks again.
Caroline, The article I posted was from July 19, 2022. Since then the digital transactions only requirement was dropped because people resisted it. It is still going on in other countries, however. I believe China has a digital currency only now system. Globally major banks are moving to CBDCs, as Catherine has explained in depth for years.
Thank you so much for your comments on Malone. I always get a kind of creepy feeling when he is talking. The guy is just a bit too slick. Perhaps the Luis Elizondo of the purported anti-vax movement.
Malone is on record as promoting vaccines for personal profit and as a matter of public policy. See the Del Bigtree panel at Bath.
…do you have this referenced link? ie “Del Bigtree panel at Bath.”
Will get the link and post.
Better Way Conference
is our link on gold I will change to tube:
Is Del’s link on his Bitchure channel:
From our team
We have this in gold.solari, the version of the pertinent Better Way conference that Del Bigtree reproduced with his wrap around explanation, focus, and key issues. It allows Bosch and Malone to disagree and show their perspectives. 16 minutes of focused info. This is a The High Wire production on his bitchute channel.
It’s third row of Food Health: Hiwire
We will get and post on our video server
From Del’s The High Wire https://tube.solari.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Del_Debates-Geert.mp4 is Del debates Geert: Better Way and the full conference videos are free at their site: https://betterwayconference.org/video-library/
Catherine, Russia will stay longer as part of the NASA ISS program 2028. This is becoming so obviously political. Russia wants to wait until its own space station is up and running. Very expected.
Good to know. Thanks.
Please post European mirror on Solari tube.
Thanks. Have forward to the team and will discuss with them.
So while I am surprised that Tyler Texas announced its in a drought, I thought for sure East Texas could be spared this drought at least until after 2040, yes, Texas is in a drought, its been in a drought for a couple of years and its not going to get better. Do not wait for official sources to tell you this, learn where Texas gets its water from and its current condition.
You do not need to wait until September to germinate your Fall and Winter crops. Fall crops should have been germinated, I know I did not germinate all mine, because I did way more corn than I have space for, but you can always keep your germination in the shade, in fact, I highly recommend it, its kept my Fall crops alive and bottom water them.
I keep saying it on Solari Connect, Texas is in a drought, but I get it that I don’t have any panache, just a nobody with years of experience farming, both commercially and privately.
In the report Catherine mentioned that people would eventually recognize the covid-vaccine genocide. I hope people get the idea that experimental injections are too risky but I am not sure if most people will realize that this recent experiment was implemented with the foresight that injuries would occur. I am not sure if we will ever have the evidence to prove cause and effect of the resulting diseases and some diseases may be years away.
Most of the readers of this website are probably in disbelief that people so willingly rolled up their sleeve. many of my educated friends still believe it was the right decision to get vaccinated. It will be interesting to see if people wake up. I worry the most likely result is that there will not be a full public accounting even if the information exists. the failure is too large. the doctors are also a party to the crime and faith in their judgement would be diminished.
I’d have to agree with you on that …sadly most only take notice when it either harms them directly or someone very close to them. I mentioned to a gal at my church of my husband’s co-working passing after it, and another gal harmed by this shot. She simply replied, “Well I got them and I’m fine.”
there is an odd callousness toward vaccine injury. it makes horrid sense when you realize injury is just part of the pharma business model. shrug shrug. it was a relief when my wise and elderly mother (who regrets taking the vaccine) told me in response to why I would not take the shot – “look after yourself and ignore detractors.” at least the CDC announcement today – which amounts to on equal treatment for vaxxed and unvaxxed is something. I am curious as to how the militant vaxxed will respond.
Good for your mother! My mother(over 80)refused EAU right off hand, after losing my brother with the help of AZT and my sister after a botched weight-loss surgery among a few other things . . . nevertheless, I’m sure a good portion of the population will always trust what they are told by those in white lab coats (sad).
This is my assessment for the UK :
A public inquiry into the first year of the pandemic ie the twelve months following 23 March 2020, and the over 100,000 excess deaths, is likely to attract criminal prosecution :
30,000 deaths – NHS malpractice;
30,000 deaths – Lockdowns;
30,000 deaths – Jabs.
These are suggested possible determinations as starting points for investigations based on novel medical interventions. Note that these numbers fall short of the total excess deaths as deaths exclusively due to SARS-CoV-2 are omitted, as are other deaths due to respiratory disease.
Laura, in Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, I suggest reading pp 48-49. CONSENT: THE PRIMARY VICTORY. The entire manuel is a window into the psychopathic mind. Best…
BIS was NEVER just some regulator bank, it was born out of the rape and plunder of the Nazi German war machine, BIS is the bank of Hjalmar Horace Greely Schacht, with the help of, none other than the Anglo-American Establishment Bank of England to hold all the stolen loot of the Jews and the European nations that Nazi Germany plundered. When they defeated Poland, what did Poland have to do? It had to do a wire transfer, a huge one, to the BIS…why do you think that is?
As Hjalmar Schacht called the BIS, “my bank”.
Klaus Schwab is a German-Swiss, but his father was a bona fide member of the German Nazi Party…when this coward says the Fourth Industrial Revolution its because he knows its not politically correct to say the Fourth Reich.
This is interesting what you say about the BIS in Basel since its now the main Bank of all the other 12 Central Banks on earth. The building is like a fortress. They want to evt. take the total control of our money etc.
Thank you,
Jutta Woods
Luis, on the subject of origins, I just learned that the Khazars “set up the FBI to protect their banks to serve their cover-up needs and prevent them from ever being prosecuted….as well as to serve as a covert intel operation on their behalf. In addition, it has no official charter, according to the Library of Congress, and no right to exist or issue paychecks.” It’s a fun read!
Don’t think that source is reliable. Strongly recommend you get Whitney Webb’s new book as soon as it is out> I am reading an advance copy now.
Catherine, what’s the name of Whitney’s book? Thanks.
One Nation Under Blackmail, Part I and Part II from Trine Day
If the masses catch on to what’s been done to them then there could be much more of this. Doctor’s are the front line for pushing the shot and will be the ones facing the pushback from the public. https://twitter.com/Amanda85949423/status/1555591965957361665
Posted from a store I frequently visit. Unbelievable. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10158794860663963&set=a.475608393962
Me thinks the doc better get bullet proof glass for the repair.
If the masses catch on to what’s been done to them they will do nothing. absolutely nothing. not even think about it.
They may do something if TV or facebook or the priest tells them to do.
99% are on full autopilot 24h per day, every day. they were trained like that from childhood; kids have every minute of the day planned by parents and school. and they are not allowed to think or have initiative during this time. even ‘playtime’ is planned and controlled.
More angry puushback against the cabal’s frontline. Dad whose child was brought in to a pharmacist by his wife against his wishes to get the COVID vaccine is in hospital with myocarditis. He records the angry call he has with a pharmacist.
Not sure if that one is authentic or not. Like the Australian breaking the doctors window, if they are not authentic, what is says is the front line health care workers who gave the injections are being set up to bare the brunt.
The reactions by those involved in both videos seems authentic but you never can be sure. You’re right though – the frontline is either beginning to feel the angry pushback or they’re being set up to be the target of any pushback.
Patrick, I have a feeling all the guilty will never “face the public.” I’m sure they’ve made arrangements for that, too. They’ll probably remove to their underground cities and present to the public on video with CGI backgrounds once the going gets going! I’ve recently learned Greenland may be a place of interest, a continent we certainly know nothing about! I wonder what Joseph Farrell knows about it…….?
The FBI has NEVER been in the service of the public. To pretend that it somehow used to be that kind of agency is to live in a reality where J. Edgar Hoover never existed. In this dimension, J. Edgar Hoover existed.
I highly recommend The COINTELPRO Papers by Ward Churchill to anyone interested in living in this dimensional reality where J. Edgar Hoover actually existed.
Nothing is in service of the public. The sooner the public realizes that the better.
The public just pays the bills.
Thanks, Luis. Can’t wait to read it!
Read Sodium Bicarbonate Nature’s Unique First Aid Remedy, by Dr. Mark Sircus for whatever circumstance you are in now and in preparation for what lies ahead. You will be glad you did. It’s been an extremely important book, a God send, for our family. God be with you all in this troublesome dangerous time.
Thank you fort this referral.
My friend had serious hives. This individual had 1 inch hives all over the body. I have Dr. Amandha Vollmer’s dmso book. She has a recipe for a natural antihistamine. 2 T bicarb of soda and 1 Tablespoon of potassium bicarbonate. One can substitute Cream of tartar for the potassium bicarbonate. That’s what I did as I did not have potassium bicarbonate. You mix 1/2 teaspoon of the mixed powder in a bit of water and drink. It can be repeated 20-30 minutes later. But, just 2 doses in 24 hours. The itching ceased quickly and by the second dose on the second day the hives were gone.
Thank you Sandra Villa! Just thought the book might be helpful because all these “public spirited” cronies are steadily poisoning us on every hand. That’s a great recipe you sent. Going to look for Dr. Vollmer’s dmso book. I collect health books, but that’s one I’ve missed.
It is becoming more clear everyday that, yes they are trying to kill people and destroy the US military. We are at war. It is a secret war with quiet weapons. BUT too many people are waking up. The populous has the numbers and this is why they want to keep the war secret. I closed on real estate today and the lawyer was unvaxed and agreed that a conspiracy to destroy the US and world population in general. This was a normal middle aged woman who I would have guessed was a dem/progressive. Nope, average people are waking up every day. The question is who are they? I believe it’s the CFR/TC/WEF in cahoots with the CCP. It was this group: Kissinger, Zebignew who went to China and helped mold it into what it is today, a technocracy.
Jason, “they” are the Khazars. Get a quick overview here — https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/03/10/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/
They are known as the “name stealers” – later they became the “identity stealers.” They hide like wolves in sheep’s clothing.
I have listened to Mattias Desmet in many hours’ worth of long-format interviews over the last 4-6 months. I have not read the new book, so I won’t comment on it or the Bregnan review. But the core of Desmet’s theory, as I understand it, attempts to explain why so many people bought in to TPTB’s narratives on Russiagate, COVID, and now Ukraine (among many other falsities in history). This is important, since TPTB know how to leverage the masses against the few of us who understand what’s really happening and are pushing back. So, even though the masses are victims, they are also weapons being used against truth tellers. That is worth understanding and addressing.
Yes, it is worth understanding but I believe Peter Breggin is correct in stating: NO, Mattias Desmet’s explanation is not the one. And I also believe that he is right in pinpointing the danger of holding onto Desmet’s theory, because mass formation is a process that just happens and you have to sit it out. No, we do NOT have to sit it out, we have to take action.
You mentioned self help options:
Here is one “How to Win in Court” to train to be your own pro-se attorney: https://www.howtowinincourt.com/
JurisDictionary® How to Win in Court With or Without a Lawyer
866-LAW-EASY ( 866-529-3279 ). The website provides free information as well.
‘beware food and drug poisons’ …drug poisons yeah, did I miss the food part? Also does anyone else want to take the links Catherine sends to John and break them down deeper? Sometimes I see deeper dives are warranted, that’s the problem, if I nerd out on everything I am not taking action. Perseverance Furthers turtle on!
You will find many relevant interviews on the Food Series at https://food.solari.com
Does “It’s toasted” ring any bells?
Hmmmm … how to toast those mRNA’s ?
They’re gonna have problems after the links to cancer surface …..
Ebay has a couple of ad pages for sale. I grabbed an image btw.
Great find on the link BTW.
Richard, take heart. There may be a cure for the vaxxed in the future. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. We just have to hang on and stand strong against the coming onslaught for as long as we can.
We find solutions by turtling forward and trying things. Many don’t work, but some do. So we share intelligence and never quit.
FYI. I had more trouble with the Money and Markets video than ever before. What they used to or still call “recalculating”. The video, not audio only, is my preference by far.. Just sayin’.
We checked. Response from IT colleague – “Worst fears realized. It appears that Comcast is throttling bandwidth across the board to *.solari.com domains” If you are a Comcast customer, would you be willing to complain?
Best solution is simply to leave Comcast. Does not make sense to pay someone who is censoring your content.
shoot. I was just about to leave ATT for Comcast–like choosing between a ring or a wrench to get a beating, but it’s all we’ve got, and ATT is no longer a choice because their copper dsl infrastructure is rotting out and intermittent.
Do you know if it’s in every state, including the ones who passed their own net neutrality laws? I’ve also seen that a VPN could bypass the throttling. Don’t know if that has any merit.
the new download option is great. can do something else while it Dls then watch without issues – thank you!
If the video is being throttled by your ISP as suggested, then you would benefit from using a VPN. Many homes have only one ISP available, so switching away from Comcast may not be an option for you. If that is the case, I recommend Private Internet Access (easy to use) or Mullvad (most secure). There are probably hundreds of VPN services available so feel free to do your own research. The costs vary but usually it’s a few bucks a month and a (generally minimal) decrease in internet speeds. The benefit is that your ISP will not be able to tamper with your connection, and that you will no longer be broadcasting your IP Address (and relative location) to the entire internet. Given the sophistication of private sector tracking/profiling tools, I generally do not connect to the internet without a VPN these days. I will sometimes use my internet without a VPN but only if I’m downloading very large files.
Thanks Josh. The censorship war is on for sure.
StrongVPN is also good. Had it for 10 years. Does the trick.
Tried using a VPN, ran into many difficulties, clearly have to try again.
Loved this Money and Markets, thank you!
The safe house is getting a different look!
Isn’t LIBOR going away? What’s replacing it? What impact will that have on economy, etc.?
40:41) Crypto Tax – Aug 1, 2022 — Note that Biden is funding IRS to tune of $80 Billion “to help backlogged agency” under guise of “Inflation Reduction Act” https://content.seleritycorp.com/hosted2/assets/www/CyjCcc0U4zixvZ8ryMnJsZkk4YS2IRvj7XyfVNm6YDE
56:20) Why America Doesn’t Trust the CDC | Opinion – Marty Makary , Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine On 6/10/22
Article cites discussion of recent CDC Committee meeting: “I listened to the meeting, and couldn’t believe what I heard. At times, the committee members sounded like a group of marketing executives.” https://www.newsweek.com/why-america-doesnt-trust-cdc-opinion-1713145
58:51) I figure Biden’s COVID diagnosis is an excuse to isolate him for a debriefing from his recent trip and “wind him up” for the next move. (I wondered about this when Trump was isolated with COVID to, perhaps, rein him in to get his script on point.)
In or around 2002, my brother and his family visited DC after many years and surprisingly he wanted to visit the National Museum of History to watch a movie ANTZ. [This is not the movie “Antz” that you find in IMBD. This ANTZ traveled globally and only presented in museums because of its unique technology. I can’t find it online anymore. This ANTZ was not 3-D. It was holographic! Discovery Channel was one of its sponsors, I recall.] Meanwhile, I thought “what a strange request, and a waste of time.” We went and were given a pair of glasses at the door. It was a documentary narrated by Judy Dench who told the story of a praying mantis. Intermittently, we’d see a spider fall from above. Each time, he got closer until suddeny it dropped. I screamed out loud believing it dropped into my lap! and everyone in my row took off their glasses and laughed at me. I was shocked that I could be so fooled. Instead of returning to the movie, I looked down on the audience and saw children jumping out of their seats, trying to catch the butterflies. Then I understood how I was fooled. They insisted on returning the glasses at the exit door. It has stayed with me until this very day.
Next thing I heard, in around 1995, all the Holographic museums in NYC were closed down and the archived items were all shipped to MIT’s Data Land.
You and Joseph recently asked, “how could the globalists walk the street without fear?” (paraphrased). I say they are using CGI to appear in the media and have probably already moved to their underground shelters. Just a thought. You can find videos with evidence that Biden’s inauguration was CGI/Holographic. Below is the CGI from New Year’s in China. It’s quite amazing.
Jump ahead to view: https://odysee.com/@GMNMedia:9/Blue-Beam-China-2022:f
BlueBeam Holographic Projection China 2022
The technology is amazing. I suspect it was used on 911
I think technology was used on 911 too. Many others do as well.
There’s a bit of irony about the globalists living underground – it seems like a punishment as though they’ve built their own prisons. I hope they stay down there a long time! Makes me laugh thinking about it!
Cash everyday. We are doing everything we can do make sure that is happening in Taylors South Carolina.
I use cash in Switzerland & France where I live!!!!
Bravo! One governor is enforcing the rule of law:
It’s so important we “keep our sense of amusement” as Catherine always advises. So listen to Cole Porter’s “Anything Goes” written in 1934 where “up is down”. Our ancestors got through 2 world wars and the Great Depression so we can too. I just listened to Bishop Fulton Sheen talks 50 years old and past challenges are today’s challenges. Our loving spirit will endure:
Why can I not access money and markets today?
~ Publishes on August 4, 2022 at 7:00 PM CST ~
SO, the US declared a medical state of emergency over Monkeypox. I don’t know if I should laugh, cry, run for the hills, or start swinging from trees.
Buy some bananas with your money pox.
When they started targeting old terrorists(al Zawahiri) I thought…ooh, things must not be going to plan.
I am perturbed that Malone is pushing the gain of function on moneypox. Is he a plant? A banana tree? Look up the origin of monkeypox. It does not exist.
Love it!
Thank you!
we have been infiltrated – there are many.
Yes, I know. It was really a rhetorical question. McCullough is another one and there are many more.
I wish Dowd were not fooled by them. Maybe, he is a plant too.
Do not, I repeat do not swing from trees. You might break a bone and have to go to a hospital where they are experts in killing patients!!!
And they even announced a “Director of Monkeypox” What idiots! Now they’re thinking of changing the name since everyone is LAUGHING AT IT!
The doctors I most trust say:
1. Monkey pox is unpleasant and not life threatening. You get it, you get over it. Chicken soup territory.
2. The current spread can not be explained without man made intervention.
Moneypox = monkey business.
The proposed Tri(angle)StateCity looks like a multi-state, neo-Hanseatic League of “Smart” Cities , since it would include Antwerp, Brussels, Dusseldorf and Amsterdam, with access to multiple sea-ports and air-ports. The proposed map needs to be overlaid with existing fiber-optic land/sea cables for communications and known locations of underground/underwater infrastructure
Mike Yeadon, PhD has come to the conclusion(after a new bit of information recently) including work by Dr. Kaufman, Dr. Cowan etc….
“There are no respiratory viruses. People still get colds and flu but we don’t know what causes them and they are not respiratory viruses.”
Amen! Bravo Mike Yeadon!
With the upcoming famine/war/freezing to death/end of humanity scenarios that are becoming more evident (inevitable?) I must say, I’m becoming increasingly despondent. Any crystal ball readers out there? Mine is in the shop……
If adversaries were winning, propaganda would not be needed.
“Give up, you cannot win” is only said when the future can be influenced.
Thank you. It’s been rough the past few days. I feel like I’m drowning in tar.
Stay strong we are all riding a rollacoaster in these times.
Elizabeth, I’m sorry you are feeling badly.
You are stronger than you think you are!
Get as healthy as possible and be sure you will prevail. This evil cannot succeed.
Watch some funny movies. We started doing that. Our neighbors have disconnected totally from watching the “news”. I was surprised. They are older and feel a responsibility to their community. But, the mighty Wurlitzer sells only despair. They have moved on. We must also.
Get some sun, good water and sea salt while you can!!
Music and art. Prayer!
Buy some sheepskins. Nice and cozy in the cold winters.
“From one of the most classical of all POW Escape stories, this scene is from the 1955 “Colditz” film. To set the scene, one of the favorite activities for the Allied prisoners (English, French, Czech) was the offense of “Goon-baiting”. (Making fun of the Germans), punishable by a couple weeks in solitary confinement.”
Good one Rich.
Good for one’s morale.
Hi Elisabeth
Some great links to local food producers in the province is on the Weston A Price website. They not only replenish your spirit when meeting those like minded people, but also reliably fill the stomach.
Most of the local freedom fighters I have met has been through the local food movement.
Thanks Craig. I’ve been a grateful CSA consumer for about 10 years now and my daughter works at his stall at the Farmers’ Market.
What a mess we find ourselves in! I grew up listening to my parents’ stories about the War and the Soviet occupation of Austria. I never thought I’d live to see THIS!!!
Have you read the book Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after WWII, by R.M. Douglas? Most of my ancestors were from Austria. All their land, houses, businesses, and possessions were seized after the war. I discovered the book in 2012, coincidentally the year it was published, while researching my family history using Old German Script parish records. It’s the first telling in English of this tragic but well-concealed historic event. The greatest ethnic expulsion in history that Douglas writes about occurred coincident with the Nuremberg Trials, which tells a deeper story about those trials so often in the alternative media these days.
A mess for sure. I have found that it is fun working with the like minded to create the type of community and resiliency that we want to have. Almost as if we are re discovering the value of community – luckily we are both in an area settled by tough and creative people only a couple generations ago. The mindset has not been lost!
I created a list for Arizona. I respect Weston Price but there volunteers are limited to a thirty mille radius. Local to me is also regional where you purchase directly from one producer who ships. People are into convenience versus farmers markets and the delivery options or pick up locations.
We have been saved her by Hofweb….they collect up and delivery by truck. https://www.hofweb.nl
I am the Weston Price chapter leader in Hardeman County, TN, and I was encouraged by the staff to put Azure Standard on my resource list. I was never told to stay in a 30 mile radius – I was encouraged to branch out and include more resources. Not sure why the discrepancy.
Maybe misinformation when I was looking into being a volunteer but I decided to stay independent. I eat well but also use a vitamin protocol and created a buyers list for people to purchase local meat and regionally. I research meat issues all the time and a huge resources list of the issues. and connected with RCALF USA independent cattle producers. They are connected to the big packers but i wanted to learn a different perspective and especially living in the Southwest and in touch with the grassfed ranching community. What happens there filters down.
What you are doing sounds really interesting. I live in rural TN and almost everyone in my town shops at Walmart or one other small grocery store with even fewer options for healthy food (and that’s saying something. . .) So I started a Weston Price chapter because I thought I could use the support of a group in learning how to get the word out about healthful food. I think every situation is probably different and each of us finds our own way by following our heart, our inclinations, and what works best for us.
It is complicated and a nice market. Most of the people I associate with are not concerned about food or quality and a few shop Walmart because it is cheap. Never would I purchase meat at Walmart cheap and toxic. I have a list of local meat producers and another list I created where you can purchase organic emergency food. Recently I stocked up on canned meat that is pasture raised. I have access to quality produce locally. The issues with emergency supplies it is mostly carbohydrates. When less than sixty percent of the population is not metabolically challenged. the emergency food that is sold is putting people at risk even more. Also you need fat like butter, olive oil, coconut oil, duck fat, lard that are not seed oils. There is a site called Fat Works that sells high quality fats and some in bulk. I am about to make some bone broth for soup that is high in nutrition and for making soup. I have created a list of organic emergency supplies if interested. I do research on food issues all the time and share it with Pete Kennedy. It is complicated what is happening and many parts from land, federal mandates, local politics, regional differences and the issue everywhere is the centralized control of food and especially the meat industry. I am attending a conference of independent cattle producers in a few weeks The issue is we are in a niche market. I have a friend who moved to Knoxville, Tennessee. They visit many independent farms but still shop the majority of their food purchases in the local stores. It is a challenge but convenience is the death of good food and also many do not cook. It is complicated and a long discussion. If you want to talk more you can contact me at freethinker20@yahoo.com.
You never cease to inspire me!
Yup. Find the foodies and go from there.
I feel that way from time to time, and it can be paralyzing. You are not on your own in this. We are an army of faith filled, honest, capable people. “They” may be able to pick on us when we are “onesies” or “twosies”, but we are awake, aware and determined as a big group.
We have been in the “weak men create hard times” part of the cycle, but I believe we are coming into “hard times create strong men.”
Turtle forth!
Elisabeth, No crystal ball here, but I would highly recommend finding anything online by Mel Robbins – she is on YouTube, Instagram, Spotify and also has things on her own website. She has some very good hacks for helping people to keep their minds focused on what is useful, productive and resourceful and learning how to not spiral into worry, anxiety and depression. At the end of the day, we must learn to manage our mental state if we are going to get through this (which we are 🙂 ) and she has some very helpful advice in that regard. She is very mainstream, but the good news is that that makes her easy to find! And her interest is the brain, not politics, from what I’ve seen. Anyway, wishing you the very best of luck. . .
I liked Mel, but she is a big V pusher and mask pusher
Thank you for letting me know – I hadn’t seen that. I still think her methods are good, but I definitely won’t recommend her to anyone who hasn’t woken up to the dangers of all vaccines, including the covid non-vaccine. I would also add that I think her interviews are the best – she really dumbs things down on her trainings.
looks like we might be seeing a new war on semi-conductor chip production starting.
yes indeed
I for one would much rather pay a higher tax if necessary, to the local government, than to the one plotting a slavery system. It’s much easier to organize neighbors to remove local con artists, when it’s clear our taxes aren’t spent on improving managing the city utilities, road, etc.
Who’s your sheriff, who’s your banker, and who’s that Mayor who no one challenges in the elections?
…..The G Hunter interview this week with our Solari heroine, lit a fire in my soul. We are at war!
Some resources that might help
No Comment …
“However, the past Director of Corporate Finance at the SEC also has a questionable history. William Hinman, was right in the middle of the cryptocurrency surge. We now know that the entire crypto market has been built around criminal behavior at the SEC, picking winners and losers, yet not one in Congress has called for an investigation of the SEC.”
“The Simpson Thatcher law firm was a member of the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance (EEA). Ethereum is a cryptocurrency. Hinman was not permitted to meet with Simpson Thatcher and yet he did. At the same time, Hinman put together a speech where he gave Ethereum a non-security designation. This designation makes Ethereum more like a currency and it, therefore, doesn’t have to comply with burdensome investment-related registration mandated by the SEC. (Many believe that Ethereum is more of a security than other cryptos like XRP will ever be. XRP has a purpose while Ethereum has none. XRP is designed to replace the swift currency system between banks. Ethereum has no such purpose.)”
“Former SEC Director Hinman gave Ethereum and Bitcoin a regulatory free pass as currencies, over all other cryptocurrencies. This helped his own multimillion-dollar interests as well as Chinese interests in Ethereum and Bitcoin.”
EU megacity proposed to integrate parts of Netherlands, Belgium and Germany: https://www.tristatecity.nl
“The so-called institutional investors are bodies of the Dutch state or state-controlled chambers, such as an employers‘ organisation (VNO-NVW), pension funds and the Utrecht Economic Authority. In addition, billion-dollar corporations such as the real estate fund Cushman & Wakefield [link] from Chicago and CBRE [link] from Dallas, Texas are involved. In addition to the Netherlands, the Tristate City will include the western part of Lower Saxony, the Rhine and Ruhr area (NRW) and Brussels.”
“I fear what will happen is that there will be aggressive demonstrations and public opinion will turn against them. The government will just increase their offers a little, they’ll pay a little more money, and some people will agree and that will break the protesters’ unity . Some people will say yes I’ll take my share and try something different or send my kids to college or whatever. I’m quite pessimistic, I fear that on the one hand they will lose public support by demonstrating too crudely instead of simply not delivering any more food and that many will choose their short -term self-interest over the long-term interests of the country as a whole.””
2012’s Judge Dredd (megacity) has meme-worthy material, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-eI5oLlIeY
There’s an attempt to reboot Dredd as a TV series, “MegaCity One”, https://www.fortressofsolitude.co.za/dredd-2-karl-urban-deserves-a-second-chance/
This story is now gaining mainstream traction: “Recently released court documents reveal that the Trudeau government’s travel vaccine mandate was driven by politics and not science. Days before it kicked in, senior officials were scrambling to find a rationale. The documents also reveal the travel mandate was concocted by a secretive group headed by a Transport Canada official. Apart from its head and one other member, we don’t even know who’s part of it. No scientists, doctors, or epidemiologists were involved.”
REVEALED: Pelosi-Linked Lobbyists Are Pushing China’s Social Credit System For American Citizens.
As Pelosi stays mum on Taiwan, her network is lobbying for CCP social credit companies.
by Natalie Winters
August 1, 2022
Hi Catherine. Just to let you know you have quite an extraordinary base of followers on Zero Hedge which posted your recent interview with Greg Hunter. Zero Hedge is based on the movie, “Fight Club”, in its comments. No holds barred. You won hands down as the down voters got silenced immediately based on fact. I’ve never witnessed that before on that site, fierce comnents defending your position. The illusion has been broken. Thanks.
Really. Will check it out. Am used to the trolls drowning out the real people.
The trolls lost, you had quite a defense team!
From what I saw, the vast majority spoke positively about the interview. Some comments about the red button problem and the missing money, also links to solari posted.
I almost always find the comment sections on most US sites to be depressing. The learning speeds from the dialogue is much slower The major reason is paid trolls – and it is a good news that many are now beginning to understand the problem. However there is way too much victim mentality and complaining and invective throwing. So a form of wallowing in hopelessness and anger instead of organizing to accomplish things that give each other energy, I am struck by how much higher the learning metabolisn is on the Dutch new media sites than in US. What can we do to encourage people to adopt high learning metabolism habits? I think about htat a lot. Again, am very grateful for your pointing this out – would never have looked at the comments without a heads up.
What I saw when I visited Europe a couple times was people that loved their culture. The easier access to beautiful cathedrals and pipe organ music, aqua ducts built well by the Romans that are still solid in Spoleto, and the world class food available that isn’t hard to find. I marveled at the attendance of an Easter procession in rural Sicily. I was impressed by the genuine politeness of the Italian and French people. I don’t see how the Schwabies sell the great reset, transhumanism, and the build back better plan to the people of Spoleto that drive their cars on the Roman built aqua duct that is also used as a “highway” over a valley. They know what has worked, and what continues to work. Seems like expanding Solari into Europe is like finding more fertile ground to grow on. The comments that Joseph makes on owning the culture seems to be more and more prescient. Maybe the solution is continuing to do what you already do very well. I don’t see how these people in Europe could be convinced to go along with the “plan” unless they were bankrupted, and forced into complying with the potenional conditions of UBI. I have not been to the Netherlands, but the culture seems to be as strong as what I have experienced in other parts of Europe. If North Americans are under greater influence of entrainment than Europeans are, partially due to the differences in design of the power grids as described in the interview with Adam Trombly – seems like an uphill battle. Keep on talking about how the money flows work Catherine! If the west have become dependent on federal money and are hyper materialists, I think the discussions you already bring up is the way out.
So glad I subscribed!
Bombshell: Template to Export Lockdowns Existed by 2014
Bots supported Sierra Leone’s unprecedented lockdowns in 2014 and 2015 with millions of posts specifically using the word “lockdown.”
Michael P Senger
Jul 27
Creepy stuff coming down the pike.
UK SAGE’s Susan Michie Promoted to Lead WHO’s Nudge Unit
Michael P Senger
Jul 25
Susan Michie, a 40-year member of the British Communist Party and a leading participant in the UK Government’s Scientific Pandemic Insights group on Behaviour (SPI-B) “nudge unit” to drive consent for Covid mandates, has been promoted to Chair of the WHO’s Technical Advisory Group for Behavioural Insights and Science for Health.
Last year, when asked how long Britain’s Covid containment measures should last, Michie responded that they should last forever: “Test, trace and isolate system, border controls are really essential…social distancing…wearing face masks…we’ll need to keep these going in the long term…I think forever.”
On Good Morning Britain, when asked whether her membership in the Communist Party might inform her draconian policy preferences, Michie expressed outrage: “I’ve come on your program as a scientist… You don’t ask other scientists about politics, so I’m very happy to speak about science, which is what my job is, and to limit it to that.” Michie is a behavioural psychologist with no background in epidemiology or infectious disease.
This is one of the reasons that the Mass Formation theory is so dangerous if you read what the book actually says. It can be used to nudge people who disagree with tyranny all the way into mental institutes.
I agree. This is really bad and creepy.
I would greatly appreciate to hear about what Catherine and John have to say about this:
Is the lawyer going to try to get them rolled back or have they been rolled back? Did not understand.
I should have been more clear – Was under the impression that the decision to change military policy for service members and new recruits that makes it more of an unattractive career choice, mostly existed the US. This is the first story that I have read that illustrates the same problem also exists in the NATO crowd.
Is this Canada or NATO – assume they are doing in all Commonwealth.
IMO they are working on super soldiers and robots that will be brought in as mercanaries.
Yes, Commonwealth is what I should have said. The event in Ottawa earlier this year gives the hint that mercenaries are in play. My impression of the military in Canada is that they were not willing to move against the protesters. I notice locally the influx of people from Ukraine, I wonder what percentage are genuine people looking to flee, versus the opportunity to move in mercenaries.
There are several possibilities
Covert operations
Narcotics and other forms of trafficing and organized crime networks
Dependents who have to do what they are told, including voting a they are told
Hallowing out the Ukraine – so they can move in and have it for themseleves
While exploring the site, I saw a post Ulrike made about Sun Ovens. I live in the Canadian Prairies, so when the gas and the power goes off, there will be BIG troubles. It can get down to -35ºC for weeks on end and likely will with the weather manipulation this year.
Is this something you recommend? Is there a place in Canada to order them? I have my trusty Kelly Kettle and am stocking up 2 years of supplies at my Mom and Dad’s 45 minutes away from where we live.
Preparing for the October Surprise.
Our family has used this sun oven for over 15 years! Love it!
Thanks for posting. I am going to order one for Hickory Valley.
Thanks for the reminder I had forgotten about this and trying to decide in a slow cooker that only uses charcoal. Thanks. I have also purchased canned meat that has a long shelf life and pastured if you are interested. I find that emergency supplies being promoted are toxic and all carbs.
My nephew works at GoSun, which also has solar ovens and other off-grid appliances.
Where does Catherine recommend buying silver?
I don’t make recommendations. I use Volunteer Metals in TN, Treasure Island in South Dakota and used to use Fosters Coin Shop in Berkeley. I use Holland Gold in the Netherlands. Best deals I know of are at your local pawn shop if you can build good relationships with good proprietors.
Thanks so much Catherine. I appreciate your response.
PS Love my copy of Daily Prayers for a Divinely Inspired Life.
Thanks I just contacted someone locally and you need to understand the spot rate and I no shipping. I discussed this with volunteer metals but you need to spend two thousand dollars or $300 a month for smaller amounts. I have done business with then for a long time but needed an alternative.
A great local pawn shop is a treasure if you can find it.
From Arthur Firstenburg re: Birds dying in the Netherlands https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Birds-on-Texel-Island.pdf
Appreciate all the info you give on Solari relative to the Space Economy. Wondered what your thoughts were Catherine regarding Russia’s alleged decision to pull out of the International Space Station collab.? Is there something significant about the fact that they are indicating a plan for this action in 2024?
It is not possible to manage life and death risk with the Americans – would put people at risk and waste time and money. Much better to do their own.
Biden signed this agreement during his recent trip to Israel. Are these standard agreements with allies and are they legally binding? Impact sovereignty? Thanks.
The Executive Branch can somewhat control immigration, but war powers are reserved to Congress, so it does not have authority of law with respect to National Security. The faction that controls both parties – Biden/Democratic party and Israel – are angling to start a war with Iran. This will help them do it. Israel is a nuclear power, so looks like they are building up to using nukes and claiming the US has to back them on it. Likely a way to deal with the November elections. One serious question I have is whether the Ukraine is being cleared out to replace Israel. The integration of the Israeli cybersecurity industry into the US government, intelligence and military infrastructure IMO is at the heart of the global financial coup. Highly recommend Whitney Webb’s writings on this faction.
Amsterdam No Longer Wants Travelers To Connect Through Its Major Airport:
“The Netherlands is set to transform its air travel sector in the wake of the announcement that Schiphol Airport will be operating under a cap from 2023. The decision is multi-faceted, attempting to tackle both climate change and a shift from the airport’s reputation as a transfer hub. …”
“…The airport is the latest victim of Dutch regulations that seek to halve nitrogen emissions by 2030. Cattle farmers, an earlier target, have challenged the measures in nationwide protests. Harbers said other sectors face a reckoning with “further objectives” coming this winter in areas that could include shipping, construction, industry and mobility. …”
Not a Wim Hof Method fan, myself, having tried it for a couple of weeks, but I have underlying risk factors and suffered no ill effects, other than the dread of doing it during a Cleveland winter, where the home water temperature is in the mid 30s. Now here we are deciding that the culprit for sudden heart attacks among young, healthy, athletic people may be these cold showers! Everything but Pfizer. This Budweiser’s for you, my professional vaccine fanatic!
Funny! How many billions of years has the human being been living prior to central air and heat and hot water? Ah, to live in a time when the only shower was a cold one.
Bring up the shower temp just a bit. You may like it. Wim said 60 degrees will do. I live in an area where the cold water temp never gets above about 40. In the winter it is 35. I love it around 40.
Mention of Erasmus Laboratory in the Netherlands in this George Webb interview. Also the ferrets and the minks …
An Ontario judge released Tamara Lich, organizer of the Trucker Convoy in Canada, on bail. She spent a total of 49 days in prison since her first arrest for mischief charges. She was arrested on a NATIONAL warrant. This is on the heels of Artur Pawlowski’s vindication a few days ago.
I expect the hammer to fall swift and hard in Canada now that the judges are starting to rule in favour of the Constitution.
A research note released today by The New Zealand Initiative mainly attributes the outbreak of inflation in many economies to Global central bank mistakes.
The foreword by Dr William White, former deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada and a former Economic Adviser and Division Head at the Bank for International Settlements, concurs: “Central bankers have fundamentally misread the nature of the system they are trying to control”, Dr White observes.
The paper argues that central banks overall:
were too confident about their monetary policy framework;
were too confident about their models;
were too confident they could control output and employment;
lost their focus on price stability and took on too many mandates;
faced conflicts in some cases with conflicting ‘dual mandate’ objectives;
and were distracted by extraneous political objectives, such as climate change.
Here, I fixed it for them:
The paper argues that central banks overall:
were too confident about their monetary policy framework;
were too confident about their models;
were too confident they could control output and employment;
lost their focus on price stability and took on too many mandates;
faced conflicts in some cases with conflicting ‘dual mandate’ objectives;
and were distracted by extraneous political objectives, such as climate change.
gave trillions of dollars to their friends.
Perfect example of translation from central bank pretzel talk to straight English!
Today is the birthday of Aldous Huxley, one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th Century. He’s best known for “Brave New World,” but he was also a tireless explorer of consciousness and the inner life and a powerful advocate for Vedanta philosophy and the responsible use of psychedelics. Here is a famous interview that centers on Huxley the social critic, pretty relevant today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alasBxZsb40
Just discovered, in looking at water sourcing here, that this is coming to a blue state near you:
“California is siccing its Environmental Protection Agency on property owners who have private water wells on their land and making them pay based on how much water volume they use, according to a new report.”
In the last couple of years the local water district here in California installed new digital water meters with a wifi connection. Sold as convenient ways to self-track water usage and possible leaks in real time. The digital meters are installed, but not the transmitters. The transmitters are easy to spot on the new irrigation box lids of those who opted in. Most jumped right no board, but interestingly enough, more than a few did not.
The noose is getting tighter though.
Do they have to report to government if they eat any meat except bugs?
First time we heard of this plan to put ‘smart’ meters on private wells in California was in 2008. It’s been in the works for some time…
Edward Dowd posted this as “the payout” with the article “Hospitals or Killing Fields?”:
Also there is a website protocolkills.com. Have you heard of this site for reporting? As you wisely advised from the start, stay out of hospitals. Thanks.
Chess-playing robot breaks child’s finger at Moscow event
There is no better analogy for the battle between AI vs humanity than this.
Engineers are generally required by investors to have a purely utilitarian approach to implementing this technology. Programs will follow the program, unequivocally. Let me ask, if humans have not established or applied a consistent philosophy to determine what behavior is ethical for themselves – how on earth are humans going to engineer ethics into AI? There is no incentive to implement any principles, much less the non-aggression principle. In-fact, there are strong disincentives: private industry does not want their AK-47-wielding dog-bot having an existential crisis on the battlefield.
Oh Boy! It’s Monday the 25th and I just read an article on CNBC going petal to the metal with Monkeypox. We can’t let this happen again. They refuse to show examples of the rash which is odd since we need maximum terror. It might just be herpes lesions, which infects 70% of all humans, expressing itself in people with mRNA damaged/destroyed immune systems.
I read it is a cover for jab induced shingles.
Maybe, all of the above.