For our Blast from the Past this week, we are going outside of our own archives to recommend two important pieces on the AIDS story by allied authors Celia Farber and Jon Rappoport, both on Substack.

The first is Celia Farber’s great piece from 2004 on Peter Duesberg, professor of molecular and cellular biology at UC Berkeley, who is the most famous and most denied critic of the HIV hypothesis.

The Passion Of Peter Duesberg

The second is Jon Rappoport’s two-part memoir reflecting on 35 years of his investigations into the AIDS story. This content is only accessible to Jon’s Substack subscribers,* yet is not to be missed in light of this week’s Solari Report with David Rasnick on the weaponization of AIDS.

Part-1: The Whole COVID and AIDS Fraud: My 35 Years of Investigation

Part-2: The Whole COVID and AIDS Fraud: My 35 Years of Investigation

Both recommendations will walk us down memory lane to better understand current developments.

* Subscription to Jon Rappoport’s Substack is available for only $6/month. You can also decide to subscribe later and still receive access to 3 articles per week.

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