“But some of us have been educated by surprises out of much that we were ‘absolutely sure’ of….” ~ Charles Fort

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Long ago, I heard an interview of four doctors discussing iodine’s relationship to breast cancer. Inspired, I got myself a bottle of iodine and started taking drops in water. The next time I got lumps on my breast, something that usually happened once or twice a year, I spread the iodine topically on the area. The lumps went away. I have done this countless times over the last two decades. I am convinced if I had instead gone to get a check-up and a mammogram, I would likely be dead from surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy—or certainly bankrupt. You might say that not being able to afford health insurance or a doctor saved me from bankruptcy, a mastectomy, and death. Instead, I spent a few hundred dollars on iodine.

I have a general rule—I don’t see a health practitioner unless a series of old-timey recipes fail to heal the issue. Some of those recipes include ingested and topical iodine.

Iodine literacy is a critical component of navigating what I call “the great poisoning.” Once you understand that there is an intentional goal to weaken you, it is easy to manage and reduce your risk by learning the things you need to know to avoid that weakening wherever and whenever possible.

The importance of iodine is something the Solari Report has discussed often, yet I am constantly reminded that many subscribers have not heard this information nor had the opportunity to learn about iodine deficiency and check themselves for it.

When buying iodine the other day, the seller recommended Lynne Farrow’s book: The Iodine Crisis: What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life.

Farrow found iodine through Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and used it to heal herself of breast cancer. A journalist by profession, she used her skills—after recovering from the brain fog of iodine deficiency—to produce a well-written, well-organized, easy-to-read book to help make sure you are iodine-sufficient.

To bring home the point, she tells the story of a village in China that was iodine-deficient. A consulting doctor arranged for an iodine drip into the local water from which the plants could take up iodine—plants that would then be eaten by the villagers and their animals. After a year, here is what happened:

  • Infant mortality dropped by half.
  • Later measurements showed the average five-year-old’s height increased by four inches.
  • The average intelligence of children born after the irrigation project increased by 16 IQ points.
  • Sheep production increased by 40 percent.
  • Animal stillbirths and miscarriages were reduced by 50 percent.

Here is an important factoid: 16 IQ points can be the difference between success and failure—of a child, a family, a community, and a civilization.

Please be certain you and those you love are getting enough iodine. Farrow’s book can help you do so.

Buy the book HERE.

Related Solari Reports:

Wellness Series: Keeping Your Thyroid Healthy with Iodine with Dr. Kae Thompson

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  1. Ordered the book. I lost my husband to colon cancer and my sister 2 months later to breast cancer. She’d had chemo and radiation. He had chemo. I never knew about iodine. I am a nurse of 23 years. Thank you for all the vital information you share on Solari. A subscription is the best money I have ever spent.

    1. I figure if I had gone to a doctor every time I used iodine for a breast lump, I would be dead twenty times over. 🙂

  2. Thank you for this timely review! I believe iodine helped me to dispel the brain fog I felt after recovering from a mild case of Covid-19. At first, I thought my difficulties with word recall were due to stress from the crazy pandemic world & the threats my family faced for not taking the vax, but the sudden & complete return of my abilities in the midst of continuing stress seems due to something else, perhaps supplements. Clarity of mind & focus, ability to sleep well, & even imperturbable mood are vital to thriving in our times. I use InfoWars Store Survival Shield X3 deep earth crystal nascent tri-iodine. which you take in the form of drops in a glycerin solution. My understanding is that iodine is a good halogen, in contrast to the “bad for us” halogens like Fluorine, Chlorine & Bromine, which are added to our drinking water/personal care products/food supply. (In an effort to make us dumb & sick? one can only wonder).

  3. I purchased this book, it’s a quick read. I had an awakening several years ago about this system we live in. And because of this awakening I began to dive deep into documentaries, books and alternative media. In other words I took the red pill and never looked back. When I was still working I would question my fellow co-workers about “why isn’t there a cure for cancer” and most would say because it’s a very complex disease. But I know this is not true. The answer is because there’s a lot of money to be made with cancer. I have very little faith in the medical system these days and rarely visit a MD, I’m not vaccinated and never will be, it makes me sad that so many people have taken this dangerous vaccine. I retired from nursing before the plandemic started and I’m glad I did. Something else that concerns me is the hospital had mandatory flu shots which I didn’t want to take but had to in order to keep my job. I really believe many employees were chipped. But that’s another story.

  4. I am reading through the book. Lynne Farrow closed her store on her website so I do not know a reputable place to get lugols. I saw the comment on Dr. Mercola below- but it seems to be pills or capsules, not drops.

  5. Thank you for this excellent book review, Catherine! I bought two copies and am fascinated by all that I am learning. You always point us in fabulous directions for building intelligence on critical matters!

  6. I read this book several years ago when it was mentioned during a Solari interview with Kae Thompson, when she was interviewed by Ulrike Granogger, which I found to be a phenomenal interview. In addition, I read a powerful online testimonial about the book from an M.D. who has been a cancer specialist for more than 30 years, saying that iodine is the best answer for preventing breast cancer, and he said that he should have been recommending it to women for decades, but he didn’t know about it back then. So I’ve now been supplementing with iodine every single day for years since reading Lynne Farrow’s book!

  7. I do have a good friend who ended up with Thyroid issues due to high iodine. She cooked all her food in cast iron and switched out to enamel coated after this. Im not sure what else contibuted to her high levels but that’s on thing she could control. I’m going to definitely get this book thank you!

  8. I am half way through this book and it is amazing…everybody needs to read it simply for general health! Replacing Iodine with bromine in foods is another aspect of the great poisoning I would say.

  9. Check out the work of Clive De Carle – he teaches about iodine, and many other crucial foundational supplements that even clean organic diets don’t supply enough of anymore… iodine is huge, so is Vit C, magnesium, selenium, and more (quality matters – no drug store supplements). He has a membership “club” with many fascinating health videos and info…

    1. We cannot buy iodine solution in Australia. No surprise there. We can so far order it from the USA. Does anyone know what the best brand or type is?

      1. Try Dr. Joseph Mercola’s site, Take Care of Your Health. You can also try Dr. Rashid Buttar’s site….Advance Medicine.com

  10. Just be sure not to take too large of a dose. Overdosing on iodine can lead to thyroid issues. It is a “goldilocks” supplement. You need just enough.

  11. OK. Could it be that they actually did something good for humanity when they added iodine to table salt?!? I’ll have to get the book, then, to find out.

    1. I found this on Lynne’s website (the buy link above)
      “Iodized salt–supposedly a solution to iodine deficiency– is actually a nutritional scam which provides a false sense of security”

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