Damian Hirst. The Triumph of Death Blossom (2018). Private collection© Damien Hirst and Science Ltd. All rights reserved, DACS 2021. Photographed by Prudence Cuming Associates. Photo: Courtesy Fondation Cartier

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout

September saw Parisians mostly spending their weekends out in the streets. Some of them (an estimated 17,000) were attending a demonstration; others participated in a celebration of “Days of European Heritage,” which was similar to a pan-European “Night of the Museum” event that normally takes place in May in most European cities. Scores of places with restricted access opened doors to the public for one weekend—from the very popular tour of the presidential palace (Macron was not there but the accoutrements of power were) to private libraries, schools, various organizations, and even factories.

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