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If you’d like to get into the spirit of Easter or simply take some time for introspection, St John Passion by Bach is a wonderful way to do it. This oratorio tells the Passion story as presented in the Gospel of John, which is read during the service on Good Friday, the Friday before Easter.

Johann Sebastian Bach was a musical genius and an inspired man. Although this is not a joyous or triumphant piece of music, it has something very powerful and deeply comforting. It shows that it is possible to find peace and even joy when we overcome our fear of suffering and death. It can be an invitation to connect with our humanity.

It is almost 2 hours long, so take your time to digest it.

More about this work and the Wiener Dom-Konzerte.

Also more on this piece from Wikipedia here and here.

You can find the lyrics in German and the English translation here. See example below from @1:12:00.

26. Chorale
In meines Herzens Grunde – In the depths of my heart
Dein Nam und Kreuz allein – your name and cross alone
Funkelt all Zeit und Stunde,- shine at every moment
Drauf kann ich fröhlich sein. – making me able to rejoice.
Erschein mir in dem Bilde – Let me see the image
Zu Trost in meiner Not, – to console me in my distress
Wie du, Herr Christ, so milde – of how you, Lord Christ, so patiently
Dich hast geblut’ zu Tod! – shed your blood in death!

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