We’ve got too many people in this country employed trying to prevent other people from being bad and not enough people employed helping other people to be good.
~ Sam Smith
Related reading:
Sam Smith (journalist)
We’ve got too many people in this country employed trying to prevent other people from being bad and not enough people employed helping other people to be good.
~ Sam Smith
Related reading:
Sam Smith (journalist)
Gulf States Reach $18.7B Settlement with BP Over Oil Spill
Fox News | 02 July 2015
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Why the Washington State Government Is a Ruthless Vaccine Pusher
AllVoices (3 March 11)
“Emergence of the Invasive Brown Marmorated Stink Bug as Serious Ag and Nuisance Pest in the U.S.”
Fresh and Lo…
By Dr. Joseph Farrell
Now, while the world cup soccer finals were going on – which Germany eventually won – the nations of the BRICSA bloc were busy talking to each other, and one of them, Mr. Pu…
“Our human compassion binds us the one to the other – not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.” ~ Nelson Mandela
Obama Set to Push ‘Big Bang’ Reform Package
Financial Times (9 Nov 2008)
Obama and EU to Reinvent Global Politics, Pundit Says
Euro Observer (06 Nov 2008)
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