Listen via archived audio (requires subscription.)
* Please place comments or questions regarding the 9.15.08 interview as comments to this post.
Listen via archived audio (requires subscription.)
* Please place comments or questions regarding the 9.15.08 interview as comments to this post.
**Note: We are republishing each of the 22 challenges from Catherine’s fiscal cliff article – one a week. Helps to digest them bit by bit!**
Challenge #3 Operations
By Catherine Austin Fitts
A sign…
Learn more—Take Action—Sign the Petition—- (15 Aug 10)
US Ready To Deploy Ray Gun
Brasscheck TV (28 Feb 08)
Germany May Prevent Employer Facebook Checks
Associated Press (26 Aug…
I don’t know which is more nourishing – getting to know my cousin Jane or getting some of the Powell Farm’s sweet corn grown by her husband Billy and son Bob. You can do both this Saturday at the Farm…
By Alex Pham and David Sarno
Digital tools advance beyond screens that talk and play videos, connecting readers to authors and online fan communities.
Emma Teitgen, 12, thought the chemistry book …
Singularity Or Bust
Forbidden Knowledge | 09 December 2013
In 2009, film-maker and former Artificial Intelligence programmer Raj Dye spent his summer following futurist Artificial Intelligence…
People who complain about progressives are like the man from Virginia who went to college on the GI Bill and bought his first house with a VA loan. When a hurricane struck he got federal disaster aid….