Putin Predicting US Dollar Collapse is Serious Warning
Listen to the interviw at USAWatchdog.com.
Putin Predicting US Dollar Collapse is Serious Warning
Listen to the interviw at USAWatchdog.com.
Beautiful song and beautiful voice (Sandra Sangiao).
This song is a tribute to one of the greatest Romani songs and the Roma people. The lyrics were written by Žarko Jovanović in the …
In line with this week’s picks for Music and Hero, our movie recommendation is this inspiring biographical film of Pelé’s early life and journey to win his firs…
Continuing with our theme of Christmas movies this month, we have chosen The Preacher’s Wife, a 1996 romantic comedy—or drama, depending on your perspective—starring favorite actor D…
Related reading:
Jeffrey Epstein on Wikipedia
Jeffrey Epstein Biography (1953-2019)
Watch Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, Only on Netflix
ANNOUNCEMENT: I have just learned that Dr. Perry and his wife Kim were killed in a plane crash this past weekend {August 14, 2016) with two other couples as they returned from a dental conference in F…
[CAF Note: While I do not share the enthusiasm of experimenting on citizens with gene therapy with secrets ingredients, this does provide an example of a county starting to push back.]