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The Case for Reforming U.S. Emergency Health Laws
The 2009-2010 swine flu pandemic is officially over, but many serious risks remain–not so much from the flu, but from the flu vacci…
By Janet Raloff
Nanoscale pollutants can enter crop roots, triggering a host of changes to plants’ growth and health, two studies find. These tiny particles can stunt plant growth, boost the plan…
Back-up for the human brain, including its entire memory, will be possible within the next two decades.
Award-winning scientist Raymond Kurzweil, 62, told 500 guests at a sponsored ‘Future talk’ ev…
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Analyst: Oil Prices Could Hit $15
Manufacturing | 19 August 2015
No evidence whatsoever to suggest…
The Handbook of Human Ownership – A Manual for New Tax Farmers
You Tube | 11 June 2011
Apple Drops WikiLeaks App, Google Keeps It
Reuters (21 Dec 10)
Secret Reports Detailing UFO Sightings Released (22 Dec 10)
Genetically Modified Mosquitos
Global (13 Dec 10)