Gauging life by the Koolee Index
by Micheal Overall – Tulsa (11 Aug 2008
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Gauging life by the Koolee Index
by Micheal Overall – Tulsa (11 Aug 2008
Govt. Seeks to Reverse Ted Stevens’ Conviction
Associated Press (01 April 09)
“We the People” to “King of the World”: “You’re Fired!”
Truthout (01 April 09)
GM’s Treatment Smacks of Martha Stewar…
For Want of a Tub
The Nines
There are just some days when I should not look at the internet at all…
Infographic: Meyers-Briggs Type and Social Media
Two-thirds of online adults use social media…
Richie Parker: Drive
YouTube | 22 July 2013
Tom Rinaldi reports on the life of Richie Parker…
Take Action
C40 Cities
Every one of us can make a difference…
Norway PM Jens Stoltenberg Works as S…
The challenge with all real solutions is that they require telling the truth.
The problem is that maintaining the status quo requires never telling the truth.
Related Reading:
The Piano Guys’ Official Website
The Piano Guys on Wikipedia
Prayer heals when it’s close-up and personal, and there’s a study to prove it.
It’s not just any kind of prayer, but “proximal intercessory prayer,” or PIP — when one or more people pray for some…