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Livestream Recording
Doctors for Covid Ethics Fourth Symposium:Freedom is the CureUnpacking & Defeating the Medical Tactics of a World Takeover
June 11th, 15:30 …
Switzerland’s Covid-19 law will come under scrutiny — again — on November 28th.
Swiss Referendum: Catherine Austin Fitts (ENGLISH)
Swiss Referendum: Sucharit Bhakdi (ENGLISH)
by Catherine Austin Fitts
Ultimately, the fiscal cliff is the tip of the iceberg of our economic and cultural woes. Our problems are deeper. The more of us who are prepared to look honestly at our …
[CAF Note: I am republishing this piece as several subscribers are noting how much inflation is eating away at their time in addition to their financial resources. As change accelerates, “shadow work…
School is starting, and there is talk of new mandates. For our Blast from the Past, we want to pull up all of our Covid-19 Disclosure Forms, as well as—and in particular—the form on “Parental Con…
By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout
The 2021 Academy Awards have been moved two months later than usual to April 25, extending the entire awards season to eight long months. Movies are eligibl…