Sasha Lilley
Interim Program Director

Lemlem Rijio
Interim General Manager for KPFA

Dear Lemlem and Sasha:

I learned from e-mail which was cc:ed to me yesterday that:

1. My appearance on KPFA Radio/Flashpoints yesterday was canceled shortly before the show;

2. My audio seminar and appearance to help KPFA/Flashpoints fundraising for an additional target of $15,000 was not desired; and

3. My appearance on KPFA Radio/Flashpoints is canceled for the indefinite future.

Before that time, I had no communication from you or any KPFA staff (other than the Flashpoints team) to:

1. Provide me with feedback –positive or negative — on my participation in the Community Business segment of Flashpoints;

2. Learn more about me and my professional or personal activities; and

3. Thank me for providing audio seminars and show participation to raise what I am told by Flashpoints staff was $45,000 to date this year.

I have no understanding of what your concerns are other than an e-mail rant from someone who does not know my name and has apparently not read my website to learn the basics of what I do.

I appreciate that providing citizens with an insiders understanding of how money and resources work is always a sensitive issue. So much political and economic control depends on the financial system remaining overly complex to busy people. My first experience with being censored was in the first Bush Administration. The situation at the New York Times got so ugly that the reporter had to resign. The Times Bureau Chief was rewriting the article without her permission. She caught it and stopped the story, and then resigned from the Times and retired from the industry. After watching numerous examples of censorship subsequently, I experienced a particularly painful experience in 1997 when the Washington Post spiked a story. That was when I decided to withdraw from investing time in response to requests from most corporate media.

I have been doing Flashpoints because I have great respect for Dennis and his team. The Flashpoints team help me accomplish my mission of “navigating toward a financially intimate world.” I miss doing the show. However, at your insistence, I have no choice but to cease and desist from making money and building listenership for KPFA/Flashpoints until some mysterious investigation finishes looking into some mysterious allegations.

Consequently, I would appreciate knowing precisely what your specific concerns are and on what facts and documentation you base them. I would also welcome knowing why you have not communicated them to me before the Community Business show was censored.

I welcome your reply. Please feel free to contact me if a phone conversation can be of assistance. I look forward to a timely clearing of these issues and a positive resolution in the highest and best interest of all concerned.

Sincerely Yours,

Catherine Austin Fitts
Solari, Inc.

Related Reading

CAF Note: This censorship happened immediately prior to the federal takeover of Freddie and Fannie: See Fannie and Freddie Become Penny Stocks

Similar Posts


  1. So, can someone explain what the complaint was about and why KPFA managers
    took such punitive action against Catherine?

    Dave Goodman
    WMBR, Cambridge, MA

    From: [] On Behalf Of Scooter
    Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 5:55 AM
    Subject: [grc] Open Letter on Catherine Austin Fitts-KPFA Fiasco

    As a proud, long-standing satirist on Pacifica’s airwaves , I must bow down
    humbly to the astounding clueless rocket surgery displayed by the ‘Who’s
    in charge? committee’ at WTF KPFA.

    In my lifetime, the death of irony has been pronounced by notables from
    Kissinger’s Nobel Peace Prize to George W Bush’s Peace plan for the Middle

    Irony did not end there.

    It is alive and well at KPFA. These asshats and their insipid arbitrary
    fumbling have left me speechless.

    I would attempt to exaggerate this into a hilarious farce, but there’s no
    way to improve upon this fiasco.

    It mainstreams Dada.

    It trumps satire.

    Just repeating the facts as they occurred leaves no room for improvisation,
    which would take away from the hideous mangling of lucid cognition displayed
    by tin pot reach-a-rounders who actually get paid to stumble around FCC
    approved installations waving their hands and gnashing their teeth, and
    crawling around on the floor, looking for their car keys.

    It suggests that Scientology is rational by comparison, and Pat Robertson
    is a philanthropist.

    I have been left frighteningly speechless in the face of this ludicrous
    display of clueless grasping at straw persons.

    The best I can do is suggest that we not let KPFA deciders manage our
    National Zippers, lest the human race die out.

    KPFT Houston weekly
    WBAI Monthly

    — On Mon, 8/4/08, amanda bellerby wrote:
    From: amanda bellerby

    Subject: Fwd: Letter of concern regarding censorship at KPFA
    Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 1:28 PM

    ———- Forwarded message ———-
    From: amanda bellerby
    Date: Aug 4, 2008 11:26 AM
    Subject: Letter of concern regarding censorship at KPFA

    Dear Ms. Sawaya,

    It’s disturbing to learn that censorship has once again reared its ugly mug
    at “free speech” radio, KPFA. I am writing as part of a growing chorus of
    KPFA / Pacifica supporters and programmers around the country who are
    deeply concerned about the unceremonious yanking of Catherine Austin-Fitts
    from the “Flashpoints” program by interim management at KPFA. The complaint
    against Ms. Fitts being on the show, which was tepid to begin with, has
    since been retracted by the listener who made it.

    Yet the ban against Catherine remains, which, according to Peter Phillips of
    Project Censored, amounts to a clear case of censorship. (he should know).
    This is both distressing and confounding to the “Flashpoints” team, along
    with scores of supportive fellow programmers and producers around the
    country who are equally alarmed by these proceedings.

    As producer of the weekly “Best of Flashpoints” show and contributing
    national producer to the daily program, I am privy to a lot of excellent
    feedback, from listeners and fellow radio workers alike. The weekly
    “Community Business” segment with Carherine Austin-Fitts is an especially
    popular part of the “Flashpoints” lineup, and I often included it in the
    weekly “Best of FP” digest. Catherine was gaining listeners by the minute in
    recent months due to the ravaged state of the US economy.

    Catherine’s contributions to Pacifica radio are legend at other stations as
    well, like KPFT, and she helped us raise tens of thousands of dollars for
    KPFA in a single pledge drive. Listeners have told me directly that they
    appreciate her clarity, gentleness and ability to inspire mutual aid within
    our communities, fiscal responsibility and financial security in these
    troubling times. She is a valuable resource to us all.

    KBOO in Portland has just picked up the daily “Flashpoints” program, airing
    in Democracy Now!’s former time slot. The weekly “Best of FP” show I produce
    is also gaining in popularity, with three new stations on board in just the
    past week.

    The listeners have always loudly applauded the weekly “Community Business”
    segment with Ms. Fitts, and have pledged generously in $ support during
    every fundraiser. Catherine appeals to intelligent, educated listeners with
    good consciences, progressive politics, and considerable financial
    resources. Surely this particular slice of the American demographic should
    be welcomed into the KPFA fold. Having such an esteemed and well-regarded
    guest on the “Flashpoints” show on a regular basis can only serve to make
    that community part of KPFA’s loyal membership.

    As always, it’s the listeners who suffer most from our internal confusion by
    getting abruptly cut off from an information source they have come to trust
    and value very highly.

    I hope that you are able to help us resolve this strange situation, Nicole,
    and will encourage clear, open and respectful communication along with fair
    treatment of all workers from the interim managers at at our beloved KPFA.
    Let’s work together to put fair practices back into the workplace so we can
    all get on with the hard work of producing excellent programming, to appeal
    to the widest possible audience, while staying true to our mission and
    purpose at Pacifica.


    Amanda Bellerby
    National Producer, “Flashpoints”
    Producer, “If You Love This Planet” with Dr. Helen Caldicott

  2. I have followed Ms. Fitts various interviews, and she seems to be quite knowledgeable and balanced in her approach to personal finance and investing. One problem I have with the webiste, though, is that their appears to be no way to email her – all the email addresses I’ve tried have bounced!

  3. My censorship (see previous blog posts) is your financial opportunity.

    KPFA was going to provide our 2-CD audio seminar Positioning Your Assets for Growth in Uncertain Times as a premium for donations of $120.

    Solari sells it for $50 for mp3 and for $60 for CD. You can learn more and purchase at: .

    The Positioning Your Assets audio seminar is an accumulation of our responses to thousands of questions we have received from our listeners and readers over many years.

    Will we make money from this audio seminar? You bet! Are we proud to do so? You bet! We think sustainable small businesses are a terrific thing. We are proud to be a small business. We are proud to make money doing things that help you make money. We are proud to generate revenues that translate into income for employees, vendors and contractors and generate tax revenue for state and local government.

    Our audio seminar pricing goal is to capture a portion of the value we create for our listeners and network. We believe that the price of this audio seminar is less than you will lose this month as a result of a falling dollar. If you listen to Positioning Your Assets with your neighbors and families, your purchase can help you save even more losses that are happening right now and impacting your quality of life and finances.

    Thank you for your questions and your support. We appreciate your feedback and your business.

    In abundance,


  4. If Peter Byrne is the award winning investigative journalist he claims to be, he should spend more time doing his homework before firing off emails like the one that started this mess.

  5. It appears there are additional allegations that I have not addressed yet from earlier correspondence. I am posting comments in ALL CAPS below for the record.

    —–Original Message—–
    > >From: Peter Byrne
    > >Sent: Jul 24, 2008 2:07 PM
    > >To: Lemlem Rijio , SF Bay View , Gray Brechin , Nora Barrows-Friedman ,,, Gretchen Giles , JR Valrey
    > >Subject: gold storm
    > >
    > >Dear KPFAers,
    > >
    > >My email on Sakowicz and Fitts seems to have had unintended
    > >consequences. I sent it to Bernstein et al hoping to open up a
    > >conversation about a problem with Flashpoint’s editorial stance on
    > >vital Wall Street matters, not to shut down Flashpoints, a program
    > >which I care about and support, as my family subscribes to KPFA.


    > >
    > >But I certainly do not have an ax to grind, nor do I have any link to
    > >KPFA management, as is being suggested. In fact, I appeared as a guest
    > >on Flashpoints a couple of years ago, after I wrote a piece for Mother
    > >Jones on the Northern Command. And I have done a number of telephone
    > >interviews with KPFA shows over the years on news I reported in print.
    > >(Sorry about misspelling your name Catherine, but it is easy to make
    > >spelling mistakes in email. Look at Bernstein: he called you “itts.”) I
    > >have also received multiple national and regional awards for
    > >investigative reporting, so it is not abnormal for people to take what
    > >I have to say seriously.
    > >
    > >On the other hand, my email letter to the Bohemian and Flashpoints
    > >editors was informal,


    it was not a published piece of investigative
    > >journalism, nor was it sent to anyone but the recipients. Rather, it
    > >was a broad, if provocative, take on the situation, which I regard as
    > >problematic for the reasons listed in my letter.


    I was rather hoping
    > >that it would engender a two-sided debate on Flashpoints about the
    > >merits of investing in precious metals, etc. It would be interesting to
    > >hear a counter point to Fitt’s schtick.
    > >
    > >Your draft letter to me was forwarded to me, Catherine, and I certainly
    > >accept your factual self-description, although it does show you owning
    > >gold


    and promoting investment in gold, etc.


    A letter that I viewed from
    > >one of your clients on your web site thanks you for giving her advice.


    > >Her portfolio is now 80% gold, 10% precious metals, 10% oil, as I
    > >recall. (That sounds imbalanced to me.)


    > >
    > >Sakowicz, on the other hand, discloses founding an “multi-billion
    > >dollar” off-shore hedge fund, Battle Mountain Research Group, (does the
    > >off-shore fund pay taxes? is it’s gold and other business transparent
    > >to the public? did it short Fannie May?) In his recent BoHo article
    > >Sakowicz steered people to gold investment brokers, and to Ms. Fitt’s
    > >website, where she sells investment services strongly rooted in
    > >promoting gold (which is a very questionable practice; I mean, if it is
    > >so “safe,” then everybody would be in it, n’est pas?)


    > >
    > >It is problematic for KPFA or any news organization to give a platform
    > >to financial “experts” that have inherent conflicts of interest. I do
    > >not know if Ms. Fitts regularly discloses on her radio segments, and in
    > >print, that she stands to gain if people believe what she says,
    > >especially if they are drawn to pay for her investment services, but,
    > >even if disclosures have been made, it does not seem ethical to me to
    > >regularly feature editorial comment on the nature of a business, i.e.,
    > >Wall Street, by persons whose business is based in investing in Wall
    > >Street–and selectively trashing financial portfolios in which they do
    > >not invest.
    > >
    > >Furthermore, it is not like GOLD is, somehow, politically cleaner than
    > >bank stocks. Gold mining devastates the environment, leaving behind
    > >pools of cyanide-laced tailings for African kids to play around in, and
    > >gold mining corporations horribly exploit third world workers. The
    > >sooner the world gets rid of gold, and the depredations of market
    > >capitalism, which gold epitomizes, the better, I say.


    > >
    > >I do not know what the internal politics of KPFA are, but they appear
    > >to be brutal, and not based on trust and professionalism. As a
    > >subscriber and a journalist, who witnessed the terrible time when
    > >radical conservatives hijacked Pacifica, and were defeated by mass
    > >support, I urge management and Flashpoints staff to learn from the
    > >Fitts affair. Flashpoints provides vital reporting services, especially
    > >of topics blacked-out by the MSM. But everybody makes a mistake now and
    > >then. The trick, Dennis, and LemLem, is to learn from it and move
    > >forward in way that benefits the listeners, not just one or another
    > >KPFA faction.
    > >
    > >In solidarity,
    > >
    > >Peter Byrne
    > >tel: 707.338.6534
    > >

  6. Sasha Lilley
    Interim Program Director

    Lemlem Rijio
    Interim General Manager for KPFA

    Dear Lemlem and Sasha:

    Based on the Byrne e-mail below, I am formally requesting that the Flashpoints team be allowed to continue with the Community Business segment of Flashpoints and we have your permission to clear the air regarding events of the last week on the show.


    Catherine Austin Fitts


    Peter Byrne

    Peter Byrne wrote:
    > Dear Mr. Sakowicz & Ms. Fitts,
    > I do apologize for any factual errors that may have appeared in the opinions expressed in my private emails. The substance of those private emails, of which I have not authorized publication–and I do not authorize publication in any format, including on Ms. Fitt’s website–were theories and opinions–i.e. inquiries– sent to my editor at the Bohemian with the intention of eliciting her private response. It was purely an informal matter regarding myself and an editor. It appears that my private email has fanned the flames of an internal struggle at KPFA and it is being used in ways (by multiple factions) that were not intended by me. After becoming aware of this dust-up I immediately sent a explanatory email to Ms. Fitts and the concerned parties explaining that I was not accusing anyone of nefarious activity, but that I simply had concerns about financial advisors appearing regularly on news programs if business-related conflicts are not disclosed. I appreciate the effort that you have each made to clarify your positions, and I have no further interest in pursuing this matter.
    > Sincerely,
    > Peter Byrne

  7. This morning I received two e-mails from Peter Byrne. I am posting them here along with my response.


    Peter Byrne wrote:
    > Peter Byrne >
    > Dear Mr. Sakowicz & Ms. Fitts,
    > I do apologize for any factual errors that may have appeared in the opinions expressed in my private emails. The substance of those private emails, of which I have not authorized publication–and I do not authorize publication in any format, including on Ms. Fitt’s website–were theories and opinions–i.e. inquiries– sent to my editor at the Bohemian with the intention of eliciting her private response. It was purely an informal matter regarding myself and an editor. It appears that my private email has fanned the flames of an internal struggle at KPFA and it is being used in ways (by multiple factions) that were not intended by me. After becoming aware of this dust-up I immediately sent a explanatory email to Ms. Fitts and the concerned parties explaining that I was not accusing anyone of nefarious activity, but that I simply had concerns about financial advisors appearing regularly on news programs if business-related conflicts are not disclosed. I appreciate the effort that you have each made to clarify your positions, and I have no further interest in pursuing this matter.
    > Sincerely,
    > Peter Byrne

    Catherine Austin Fitts wrote:

    I did not circulate your e-mail. You sent it to Dennis Bernstein and he e-mailed it widely, which put in the public space. That means it was used to libel me in public.


    Peter Byrne wrote:

    Dear Ms. Fitts,

    With all due respect, I request that you remove my private email from your web site. These private emails were not intended for publication in any form and, if they contain factual errors, I would not want such errors to be perpetuated.


    Peter Byrne

  8. George:

    If you go to, you will see a link to the missing money at the bottom of our home page on the left. That link will take you to a page where we have historically collected some of the links on the missing money.

    Solari – Missing Money

    If you do a search for “missing money” you can also usually pick it up pretty easily.



  9. Catherine: I read your intro to ” Crossing The Ribicon” by Michael Rippert. Of interest was the mention of $ 3.3t of unaccounted funds in the Defense Department. I would like to know where to look, for the most complete account of unaccounted funds in the U.S. Gov’t.
    Thanks, George

  10. My question for Sasha Lilley is does she even listen to Flashpoints and Catherine’s appearances on the show? To read Peter Byrne’s letter, you’d like that all Catherine does is come on the air and say, “buy gold, buy gold, buy it from me.” I’ve listened to every show featuring her for the past six months, and nothing could be farther from the case. Has Sasha Lilley (or for that matter Peter Byrne) even visited Carol’s Catherine’s website? Does Sasha have a clue who Catherine is? Or does she know exactly who Catherine is and what she does, and that’s what’s so threatening? Catherine’s capable of doing this — — which doesn’t look too pretty for KPFA.

    What a sad loss for Flashpoints and for alternative radio.

  11. Myrna:

    That is fascinating. I had not thought or read about what had happened at the UN at that time. However, indeed it would have had to have happened.



  12. Here is a draft of a letter responding to Peter Byrne’s letter that I forwarded to Dennis. He forwarded it to a wider group, including Peter Byrne.


    Dennis forwarded me your letter to him and to the editor of North Bay Bohemian.

    As you have not contacted me to seek information, I thought I would take the liberty of reaching out to you.

    First, my name is Catherine Austin Fitts, not Carol Austin Fitts. You can read my name and resume here:

    I did have a very successful career on Wall Street. My success resulted from the success of several projects that were widely thought to be not possible — including
    the recapitalizing of the New York City subway, bus and railway system, the recapitalizing of the City and State Universities of New York and a group of New York fiscally distressed hospitals. I very much enjoyed finding ways of accessing capital for essential service projects that increase the health and vitality of places. It was that background
    that resulted in my having the opportunity of serve my country as Assistant Secretary of Housing- FHA Commissioner in the first Bush Administration and to be offered the opportunity to serve as a governor of the Federal Reserve.

    I have done a significant number of radio shows since 1998 and have published approximately 50 articles. I believe most or all of that media activity was in what you would refer to “alternative media.” I have written a column in Scoop Media in New Zealand, called Mapping the Real Deal.

    All of my articles can be found on my website at (
    and most can be found at Scoop Media

    I believe independent media is very important and have worked to help community radio stations raise money. My back-of-the-envelope estimate is that I have helped KPFA and other radio stations raise app $50-100,000 since 2001 using my CD’s and promotional efforts. I have also committed a great deal of time since 1998 to help independent journalist and publishers
    with research and business advice when it was requested and I have tried to promote their work and websites, including on my blog. Finally, Solari has a tithing policy and we regularly make small donations to independent media that we read and appreciate.

    My company Solari is not a trading business or investment vehicle. Solari provides education through audio seminars and events. We have no long positions in any speculative investments. We maintain short-term working capital in a community bank and in digital gold. Solari’s sole oil investment is paying for gas for my car when I go on business trips.

    My company Solari Investment Advisory Services (SIAS) provides investment advice to those who request it. Americans have retirement and personal savings which is critical to our health and well being individually and as a people.

    My primary personal investment rather than in gold, oil and metals has been in litigation — with the federal government (see — and in starting a new company and investing in the people and activities it takes to build new companies. Historically, I am a people investor. I prefer investment in people rather than things.

    In the context of both Solari’s audio seminars and SIAS, I do believe that precious metals is a sound investment. I also believe it is a highly ethical investment as the decentralization of the precious metal inventories is critical to preventing further centralization of the political and economic structure.

    In a recent audio seminar, I describe seven areas of investment opportunity and precious metals is one of them.

    A. Personal Self-sufficiency
    B. Family, Community, and Network Self-sufficiency
    C. Banking Intimate
    D. Precious Metals
    E. Natural Resources
    F. Countries with a strong Popsicle Index G. Enterprises that own/are excellent at:
    Serving high-Popsicle-Index places
    Precious metals
    Natural resources
    Infrastructure and essential services
    “No waste” new technology/real solutions
    H. Cash and Cash Equivalents in Strong Currencies

    As to my background, I grew up in a moderate income neighborhood in West Philadelphia. My father was a successful surgeon who taught medicine and surgery at the University of Pennsylvania hospital. As an academic doctor, his income was quite modest relative to successful surgeons then or now. In my career I have had great financial success and lived through periods of great poverty, including as a result of over a decade of litigation with the federal government. It was that period that persuaded me that supporting independent media was so important.

    I live in Hickory Valley, Tennessee and you are welcome to come visit and inspect the nature of my current lifestyle. I live in a small home next to my cousin’s cotton farm and across from the gazbeo on the town commons which I donated to the town when I settled the litigation. What you will see is a demonstration of the emphasis I put on personal, family and community self-sufficiency as an investment area.

    One of the most wonderful things that has happened to me since making that decision has been getting to know and work with Dennis Bernstein. I struggle with how to help people understand how to see and gather power from understanding the flow of money and financial resources around them. Dennis has a real gift at doing so. Indeed, my decision to publish audio seminars emerged from the flow of questions that I got as a result of doing hundreds of radios shows, including Dennis. The American people are very smart and I find if you just keep trying to help them with the questions that they want answered, ultimately true solutions will emerge.

    Hence, I consider Dennis to be a national treasure — actually an international treasure — and I wish only to be a blessing to him, to his fabulous team at Flashpoints and to KPFA radio.

    I hope this information is useful for your background research and encourages you to learn the facts before making public statements that are not factually accurate.

    Best regards,

    Catherine Austin Fitts

  13. Matt:

    I sent this is response to a privately communicated question — assume that was you. You objected to my recommending the Positioning audio seminar.

    Given your interest and questions, I would welcome your illuminating how your money works!



    Thank you for communicating your concerns.

    I started doing audio seminars as a way to answer the frequently asked questions that we were getting. The hope was that the audio seminars would make the information accessible, as many questions can not or should not be answered quickly. We often make one of them available for free so that people who can not afford to listen can have some access. If you visit our site at, you will see that we make accessible a great deal of information for free. This, however, requires that we find ways of being financially sustainable.

    The blog post that I referred to has been very effective at helping people understand the impact of a falling dollar. As I remember, the woman asked a question that was not possible to answer quickly and she needed to understand several things. The only place I know of that she can get that information in a thorough manner in 2-3 hours or less is by listening to the Positioning audio seminar. That is why I suggested it. The alternative was to not answer her question or where she could find answers. I would consider that a material omission — something which I consider unethical unless required by law.

    I do not do Flashpoints to make money. I do the Community Business show with Dennis because I think that there is no one better to help me understand how to help me make this information accessible in way that can help his listeners become more powerful, free people.

    So my intention is to teach you that which would be useful, not promote my material. That said, I am thrilled when I hear that people are able to generate a sustainable living and create wealth outside of the corporate hierarchies. Nothing will decentralize power out of corporate hierarchies faster.

    So I would encourage you to embrace a philosophy of promoting financial security for one and all as such grassroots financial health is the bedrock of a free democratic society.

    Thanks again,


  14. Matt:

    No, it is not true.

    Solari publishes a precious metals audio seminars. One includes interviews with Franklin Sanders who is the precious metals dealer I use. One includes interviews with James Turk of Gold Money which is the digital gold services I use. I created a free website with Franklin Sanders company The Moneychanger,, and it pulls its pricing feed from the Gold Money site. I am also a member of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee. You can learn more about them at

    If and when I recommend these are other avenues to learn about, track or purchase gold, to the extent that this involves revenues to another party, I or my companies do not presently and have not in the past received fees or commissions from them.

    I don’t remember ever mentioning their name on KPFA except when I was helping Dennis market $500 donations using our Complete Collection as a premimum (Solari markets it for $350 CDs/$250mp3). All of that money went to KPFA radio.

    Franklin Sanders, his wife Susan, and his family live down the road from me in Tennessee. I have eaten at their home many times and they have eaten at mine. I always take food and other things to contribute to the dinner table. I have attended his church several times and contributed to the offering. My best guess is that the cost of what I have eaten about nets out with what they have eaten and I have contributed as is generally the practice in rural Tennessee.

    I am a member of a Solari Circle that has invests in and keeps its cash balances in precious metals. My investment is approximately $3,000. Saying that is a disclosure, this is NOT A RECOMMENDATION that you invest in what my Solari Circle holds. Each person’s situation is unique and there are numerous people/situations that SHOULD NOT invest in precious metals.

    I agree with you that deflation appears to be the most powerful trend going on in terms of assets pricing. My view is that the deflationary probabilities are rising and the next 18 months will much more track with the 1988-89 period, save for the fact (a big one) that the fundamental economy is much weaker then it was at that time.

    One of the reasons that is happening is because the inflationary impact on prices (food, energy and all the functions those rises flow through) is causing various people to sell assets to cover overhead and protect liquidity. The combination of this inflation/deflation is what I call the Slow Burn. I believe I am well known for being in the Slow Burn camp and outside of the inflation or deflation camp. For more on Slow Burn, see my following blog post: Slow Burn

    My insistence on the importance of the drain that comes from the slow burn (and in that sense, inflation of expenses and the fall of the value of the dollar whichever you want to call it) is a result of actual experience in terms of the loss of equity and purchasing power. The mathematical reality of what has happened to people who shifted into strong currencies or commodities that provide a natural currency or in an home base that significantly reduced their overhead speaks for itself, relative to those who stayed in fixed income assets denominated in the dollar. See: . I hope to have another post on this, so stay tuned to the blog if you are interested.

    I cover this all of this in the Positioning Audio Seminar which I strongly recommend to anyone who wants to understand a thorough picture of my approach as it stands today. I say this with the caveat that one of my main messages is not that you should not do what I think or believe what I believe. Besides that, who knows what tomorrow brings. That is why I focus on scenario planning, as described further in Positioning, and not betting the ranch on any particular scenario.

    This is a highly uncertain environment. We need to stop trusting in experts, including me, and take responsibility to understand what we are doing, how the money works around us and use our money effectively to reinvent our world. As a society we would be well served to shift from speculating and wasting — whether our time, our money and our other resources — to investing in things that are real and last.

    That said, we are in the invention room together, so this will require great cooperation and ongoing learning. No one is as smart as all of us. Let thousands of smart and caring people each put a piece of the jigsaw puzzle down on the table and go to work together.

    If I appear to wear the mantle of journalism, let me put it down. I am not a journalist. I am investment advisor and a small business owner.

    Solari’s mission is not to make money. Profit is a performance indicator of a sound, sustainable business. It is not a mission, goal or value. My mission is to contribute to the creation of a financially intimate world. The reason I have that mission is because I do not want to live in a authoritarian world and this is what I am called to do about the destruction of live and freedom. It is a requirement of fundamental economics that I find a financially sustainable way to do that.

    In addition, I believe that creating financial equity is part of creating wealth. Creating wealth is essential to ending poverty and building strong families and communities. Our families need more wealth, not less. I hope my work contributes to financial wealthier families, communities and world. I should note that I am deeply concerned when I interact with the KFPA audience that there is a spirit that seems to require and approve of poverty. It is not a spirit I share and it is my hope that I can encourage a change to a more abundant intention. I believe that a deprivation spirit serves the authoritarian model.

    Hence, I am keenly interested in building wealth for myself through building my companies and doing it in a way that builds wealth for you and all of the people I interact with.

    I drafted a letter in response to the letter you refer to which I will post in a separate reply below.

    The party with a sizeable banking and brokerage and investment operation in this situation is not me or my companies, it is KPFA and Pacifica. Their resources are quite formidable compared to mine. Among other things that receive significant revenues from the federal government and are not required to pay taxes on their businesses, like small businesses.

    I would welcome your assistance in calling for the full disclosure of their banking and brokerage relationships and the specific securities holdings in their endowments and reserves:

    How Does the Money Work at KPFA Radio and the Pacifica Network?

    I believe that their tax exemptions, their journalist mantle and their stated mission and values justify such illumination.

    Best regards,


  15. Catherine, the email claims you are directly affiliated with a gold broker. Is this true?

    I have enjoyed your presentations very much on KPFA, but it does seem that you have an inflexible view that increased inflation is inevitable.

    You seem to hold this view despite compelling evidence of massive deleveraging and the dramatically increasing risk of a collapse in worldwide consumer demand caused by the absolute liquidation of the world’s financial system. Under this perfectly plausible scenario a DEFLATIONARY burst is just as likely.

    Such an asset-based deflationary cycle would have strong downward implications for both the price of oil and gold. And indeed we have started to see each of them fall in price because of falling demand.

    I think those wearing the mantle of journalism should fully disclose if they have a strong financial interest in the underlying securities they are discussing.



  16. Catherine,

    I think the problem seems to spring from what seems to be a power grab by a young, inexperienced, new manager — from upper crust Ethiopian society — who appears not to have a clue as to how the world works — see ,a href=””>her bio

    I believe that the KPFA management may be treating her with kid gloves because of a case she has filed against KPFA

    There is this also from another site that is perhaps relevant.

    Another discussion may also be relevant.


    Many of us have some extremely frustrating and negative experience with Lemlem, and attended the meeting in order to urge the board NOT to send her name forth for confirmation as permanent GM. There is, we’re told, at least one other candidate. The board members are not allowed to reveal the names of candidates to non board-members. I’m writing this because I’m hoping I can convince others to send emails or statements to Sawaya urging her not to confirm Rijio as General Manager. (I’m pretty sure Rijio’s name was forwarded along to Sawaya, though I haven’t confirmed it. If not, it will be, and if later, most likely with even less chance for alternatives.)

    The buzzwords often used to describe the style of Rjio/Lilley are “lack of transparency, accountability, and atmosphere of secrecy.” I’m trying a little bit here to break the buzz-words into meaningful meat. I do want to say, as my actual workday nears and I see I won’t finish this now, that the buzzwords, each one, has more than adequate substance behind it.


    Also from another discussion


    KPFA interim manager Lemlem Rijio who refuses to recognize the unpaid staff organization (UPSO) despite calls by the KFPA Local Station Board and the Pacifica National Board has now banned KPFA community volunteer programmer Francisco Herrera without any warning or notice. This is similar to action she has taken by Rijio to purge Youth Radio and other programs.

    If you just google “Lemlem Rijio” you will come up with plenty more!

  17. Wow, this is awful-well it does seem to make it clear that other than the internet radio we have little independent alternatives to the official corporate media/propaganda. If someone gives real answers and doable solutions they are censored without notice by the supposed alternatives like Pacifica.
    Seems like Pacifica wants only ‘astroturf’ fake green, fake grass roots, fake alternatives that keep people spinning their wheels feelin bad and scared but with out any real power to effect any change in their lives. No tools given just write another letter. Join another group, listen to our radio station talk about how bad things are, feel bad, feel bad, feel bad. But do something to protect yourself day to day-we won’t talk about that.
    Just makes it clearer to me that the tools are valuable and we need to turn off the radio and maybe turn off Pacifica. Listen to the seminars instead and give yourself some real lessons.

  18. Has an independent background check ever been done on the KPFA staff?

    Who are the government infiltrators?

    Where is the genuinely skeptical and probing journalism these days? Does it exist at all or is it considered “unpatriotic”?

  19. Here is the e-mail thread that informed me that I had been deleted until further notice. I was

    —–Original Message—–
    > >From:
    > >Sent: Jul 23, 2008 3:56 PM
    > >To:,
    > >Cc:
    > >Subject: Re: the spiking of “Carol” austin fitts “A wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”
    > >
    > >
    > >—–Original Message—–
    >> >>From:
    >> >>Sent: Jul 23, 2008 3:47 PM
    >> >>To:,
    >> >>Cc: dennis bernstein , Eric Klein
    >> >>Subject: Re: the spiking of “Carol” Austin Fitts on Flashpoints
    >> >>
    >> >>Catherine Austin Fitts has been on pacifica radio over a hundred times and recently appeared on KALW several times, including as late as last week!
    >> >>
    >> >>—–Original Message—–
    >>> >>>From:
    >>> >>>Sent: Jul 23, 2008 3:43 PM
    >>> >>>To: Sasha Lilley ,
    >>> >>>Cc: dennis bernstein , Eric Klein
    >>> >>>Subject: the spiking of “carol” Austin Fitts
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>>Sasha, Lemlem, Let me get this straight. You two are spiking catherine austin fitts from the air, because someone, who can’t even spell her name right(carol austin fitts), wrote a letter to complain. And your doing it three weeks after we submitted the premium, and and an hour and a half before the FP’s show airs. And you are ordering us to use a premium that was already used today and only made thirty-five hundred dollars. This after you have repeatedly refused in the past to let us use a premium because it has already been used the same day. What changed?
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>>—–Original Message—–
    >>>> >>>>From: Nora Barrows-Friedman
    >>>> >>>>Sent: Jul 23, 2008 3:18 PM
    >>>> >>>>To: Lemlem Rijio ,
    >>>> >>>>Cc: dennis bernstein
    >>>> >>>>Subject: Re: Fwd: fitts is a wolf in sheep’s cloth
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>is this the letter in question?
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>do you know who this person even is? is he credible?
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>i mean, any yahoo off the street can (and has) written absolute bullshit
    >>>> >>>>about any number of issues/topics. i’m actually pretty impressed that one
    >>>> >>>>letter can bring down an entire national show. hmm!
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>i’m not sure how to proceed, shall i gather some of the letters i’ve
    >>>> >>>>personally received about our coverage on Palestine, or Haiti, or India
    >>>> >>>>and forward them? do they have any merit? will our coverage on those
    >>>> >>>>issues then be halted until Interim Management decides what to do next? is
    >>>> >>>>that what Pacifica stands for — not behind its producers, but seized at
    >>>> >>>>the collar by any listener or letter writer from anywhere, with an axe to
    >>>> >>>>grind?
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>thanks,
    >>>> >>>>Nora
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> FYI
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
    >>>>> >>>>> From: Peter Byrne
    >>>>> >>>>> Date: Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 12:48 PM
    >>>>> >>>>> Subject: fitts is a wolf in sheep’s cloth
    >>>>> >>>>> To:
    >>>>> >>>>> Cc:
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> Dear Dennis,
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> Below is a letter I wrote to my editor of the North Bay Bohemian
    >>>>> >>>>> regarding financial articles she has been running by John Sakowicz,
    >>>>> >>>>> the male version of Carol Austin Fitts. I think you should think about
    >>>>> >>>>> why these Wall Street speculators are spending so much time talking to
    >>>>> >>>>> the “alternative” media, esp. Flashpoints.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> Dear Gretchen,
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> It finally hit me what Sakowicz and Carol Austin Fitts and their pals
    >>>>> >>>>> are doing with the alt media, including the boho and flashpoints. it
    >>>>> >>>>> is a brilliantly cynical public relations strategy. I was was
    >>>>> >>>>> wondering why these capitalist wankers were sucking up to the
    >>>>> >>>>> altweeklies and here is the answer.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> Sakowicz, Fitts and the other “experts” he mentions in his most recent
    >>>>> >>>>> boho piece are gold brokers. Not only do their companies have very
    >>>>> >>>>> long positions in gold, precious metals, and OIL but they charge money
    >>>>> >>>>> to people to advise them to invest in these commoditioes as a “hedge”
    >>>>> >>>>> against “wall street.” now check it out: these folks are PURE Wall
    >>>>> >>>>> Street. they do not give a fuck about anti-imperialism, poor people,
    >>>>> >>>>> etc. but they have managed to get millions of dollars in FREE
    >>>>> >>>>> publicity from the alt media by trashing the part of Wall Street which
    >>>>> >>>>> they are shorting: stocks, esp. banking stocks. people flee sinking
    >>>>> >>>>> bank stocks into commodities.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> first, their gloom and doom is much over-stated. the derivatives
    >>>>> >>>>> market is a mess but not as bad as they insist. fitts and sakowicz are
    >>>>> >>>>> fun to read and listen to but they use some some truth to broadcast a
    >>>>> >>>>> lot of wrong information because everything they say has an
    >>>>> >>>>> agenda–getting people into gold, oil and precious metals. for
    >>>>> >>>>> example, in sakowicz’s new piece he talks about losing money due to
    >>>>> >>>>> dollar devaluation. well, that is true for certain commodities lke
    >>>>> >>>>> gold and oil and precious metals, but for domestic stocks it is not a
    >>>>> >>>>> big deal. a weak dollar is likely to rebound when the market shakes
    >>>>> >>>>> out, barring a huge disaster, which is possible, but weak dollars hurt
    >>>>> >>>>> the overall economy in the short run, not stocks and bonds per se over
    >>>>> >>>>> the long run. it is domestic inflation that hurts the most–and that
    >>>>> >>>>> is tied into over-priced commodities, inc. gold that Sak and Fitts are
    >>>>> >>>>> selling–see their web sites. so the bad economy is as much produced
    >>>>> >>>>> by their “answer” (commodities) than it is by the mortgage meltdown.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> check it out: gold, metals and oil are not SAFE investments as these
    >>>>> >>>>> gold-purveyors would have you believe. they are just like any other
    >>>>> >>>>> commodity: dependent on market forces. they go up and down in huge
    >>>>> >>>>> cycles. gold brokers love to scare people away from stocks, bonds and
    >>>>> >>>>> cds to “HEDGE” in gold etc but these commodities are subject to
    >>>>> >>>>> hyper-inflation (known as BUBBLES) just like any other commodity. in
    >>>>> >>>>> fact, it looks like gold oil and precious metals are currently vastly
    >>>>> >>>>> over-inflated. when these bubbles burst all those suckers with “safe”
    >>>>> >>>>> hedges will be busted. but Fitts and Sakowicz will be long gone. their
    >>>>> >>>>> goal is to keep the bubble up for as long as possible, taking oodles
    >>>>> >>>>> of profit in their own investment pools while selling seminars that
    >>>>> >>>>> tell people one thing: invest in gold, oil and precious metals. they
    >>>>> >>>>> are PUMPING up the gold bubble by preying on people’s fears. they are
    >>>>> >>>>> scamming their readers.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> and, sad to say, the alt press things is it so “wonderful” that these
    >>>>> >>>>> wall street sharks are “betraying” wall steet that they give them FREE
    >>>>> >>>>> ADVERTISING disguised as financial reporting. they are vastly cynical
    >>>>> >>>>> and pulling the wool over your reader’s pocketbooks–actually damaging
    >>>>> >>>>> people who follow their advice.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> –Peter
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> Peter Byrne
    >>>>> >>>>> tel: 707.338.6534
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>–
    >>>> >>>>?Writing is really very easy. Tap a vein and bleed onto the page.
    >>>> >>>>Everything else is just technical.? – Derrick Jensen
    >>>> >>>>
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>>—–Original Message—–
    >>>> >>>>From: Sasha Lilley
    >>>> >>>>Sent: Jul 23, 2008 2:58 PM
    >>>> >>>>To:
    >>>> >>>>Cc: dennis bernstein , Eric Klein
    >>>> >>>>Subject: Re: FPs Premium for Today
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>Hi Nora,
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>Thanks for your email. I appreciate your concerns. We have just been
    >>>> >>>>alerted to some potentially very serious conflicts of interest on Fitts’
    >>>> >>>>part and until we have a chance to investigate them further, I want us to
    >>>> >>>>hold off on having Fitts on air. I know that you will agree that we owe it
    >>>> >>>>to our listeners to be as ethically credible as possible.
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>Please spend the next several hours preparing the audio clips for Dispatches
    >>>> >>>>for airing at 5pm. You have many to choose from if you are not comfortable
    >>>> >>>>with any one of them (many feature Greg Palast, so those might be good
    >>>> >>>>choices).
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>Thanks for your cooperation.
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>Sasha
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Nora Barrows-Friedman
    >>>> >>>>wrote:
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> Hi Sasha,
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> I’m very confused. We have been carefully preparing our pitch and our
    >>>>> >>>>> premium for today, which will be a wonderful success. We have already
    >>>>> >>>>> promoted the show with Catherine Austin Fitts, with a brand-new CD and a
    >>>>> >>>>> ton of people very eager to hear the show and the pitch.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> Lemlem did not “have a meeting” with us today; rather, she walked into our
    >>>>> >>>>> office and left a few DVDs on my desk with a statement that “this is what
    >>>>> >>>>> you’re doing today,” without giving us a chance to discuss anything. I’m
    >>>>> >>>>> not sure how that can possibly constitute “a meeting.”
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> I am really excited to do the Dispatches DVDs for tomorrow’s show, which
    >>>>> >>>>> would make more sense anyways since you just said that you already did it
    >>>>> >>>>> today. And that you know, from last fund drive, how successful Catherine
    >>>>> >>>>> Austin Fitts has been for us in the past. I would expect Interim
    >>>>> >>>>> Management to be thrilled that Flashpoints could do another stellar show
    >>>>> >>>>> with Catherine Austin Fitts. Instead, we have gotten trashed and
    >>>>> >>>>> undermined. And I’m really not sure why — in fact, I have never heard a
    >>>>> >>>>> concrete reason why KPFA interim Management has not supported our decision
    >>>>> >>>>> to promote Catherine Austin Fitts, when just a few months ago, we made
    >>>>> >>>>> tons of money for the station. Apparently the Dispatches DVD pack just
    >>>>> >>>>> made $3500 today, whereas we will make a lot more with the Catherine
    >>>>> >>>>> Austin Fitts premium. So I’m not sure why you would actively scrap our
    >>>>> >>>>> successful premium in place of something that a) has already been played
    >>>>> >>>>> today, and b) didn’t do that well. I think that’s strange!
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> And, with limited staff and time on the clock, I cannot personally verify
    >>>>> >>>>> the production value of Dispatches. I would be happy to promote it
    >>>>> >>>>> tomorrow but I need to watch it first. So it makes sense to do it
    >>>>> >>>>> tomorrow.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> So far, I have a great list of Pros and Cons for doing the fundraiser our
    >>>>> >>>>> way versus your way. I’d be happy to share my findings with you, if you
    >>>>> >>>>> can’t already gather them from what i’ve just laid out.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> As a producer of Flashpoints, I need to personally supervise each and
    >>>>> >>>>> every minute of the show, and by throwing a wrench into today’s system, it
    >>>>> >>>>> has totally knocked us all out of whack. We are prepared to do a marvelous
    >>>>> >>>>> job today with Catherine Austin Fitts, as we have been saying we’d do for
    >>>>> >>>>> weeks now.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> With respect,
    >>>>> >>>>> Nora
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> > Hi Dennis and Nora,
    >>>>>> >>>>> >
    >>>>>> >>>>> > I want to follow up on Lemlem’s meeting with you earlier this afternoon
    >>>>>> >>>>> > about today’s premium. We want all daily shows to do programs which have
    >>>>>> >>>>> > a
    >>>>>> >>>>> > good chance of success. With that end in mind, we expect you to do Big
    >>>>>> >>>>> > Noise Dispatches, which you will find (with one exception) edited and
    >>>>>> >>>>> > ready
    >>>>>> >>>>> > to go in in temps/Flashpoints/ Big Noise Dispatches, which did well this
    >>>>>> >>>>> > morning at 11am. You can choose which clips to air, although I think the
    >>>>>> >>>>> > Basra one might be good for the FPs audience.
    >>>>>> >>>>> >
    >>>>>> >>>>> > I missed you at the editorial meeting again yesterday, Dennis.
    >>>>>> >>>>> >
    >>>>>> >>>>> > Thanks,
    >>>>>> >>>>> > Sasha
    >>>>>> >>>>> > —
    >>>>>> >>>>> > Sasha Lilley
    >>>>>> >>>>> > Interim Program Director
    >>>>>> >>>>> > KPFA Radio
    >>>>>> >>>>> > 1929 Martin Luther King Jr Way
    >>>>>> >>>>> > Berkeley, CA 94704
    >>>>>> >>>>> > 510 848 6767 ext 209
    >>>>>> >>>>> >
    >>>>>> >>>>> >
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> —
    >>>>> >>>>> “Writing is really very easy. Tap a vein and bleed onto the page.
    >>>>> >>>>> Everything else is just technical.” – Derrick Jensen
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>>–
    >>>> >>>>Sasha Lilley
    >>>> >>>>Interim Program Director
    >>>> >>>>KPFA Radio
    >>>> >>>>1929 Martin Luther King Jr Way
    >>>> >>>>Berkeley, CA 94704
    >>>> >>>>510 848 6767 ext 209
    >>>> >>>>
    >>> >>>
    >> >>
    > >

  20. I was wondering what happened. It figures huh? I hope you can get back on somewhere soon.

  21. What were the contents of this email that prompted all this? Who all has seen it?


  22. It is more than odd – confusion – a weeks worth of “friendraiser” this belies what I understood to be decades worth of mission statement – truth.

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