Nine States Did Not File Initial Claims Data Due To Labor Day, Hundreds Of Thousands Of Estimates In Data “Beat”
Zero Hedge (9 Sept 10)

Falling Rates Aid Debtors, but Hamper Savers
The New York Times (9 Sept 10)

Looking For Yield? This Is The Definitive Presentation For You
Zero Hedge (9 Sept 10)

Economists Cut U.S. Growth Forecast Again
Yahoo News (9 Sept 10)

Jobless Claims Slide to a Nearly 2-month Low
CNN Money (9 Sept 10)

BOE Mulls `Second Wave’ of Bond Buying as Rebound Ebbs
Bloomberg (9 Sept 10)

OECD Says Slowdown `More Pronounced’ Than Anticipated
Bloomberg (9 Sept 10)

Oliver Stone: Free Speech is the Real Problem; Not Wall Street Solvency (8 Sept 10)

Republicans Win House by Narrowest Margin, Yale’s Fair Predicts
Bloomberg (8 Sept 10)

China, Russia Start Pushing Dollar Out of Trade ‘Within Weeks’
GATA (8 Sept 10)

Irish Government Splits Anglo Irish Into Two Banks
MarketWatch (8 Sept 10)

Schapiro: Anxiety on Plunge May Have Fueled Exodus (7 Sept 10)

Wall Street Firms to Cut 80,000 Jobs in 18 Months, Whitney Says
Bloomberg (7 Sept 10)

The Marginalizing of The Individual Investor
International Economy (6 May 10)

Stimulus and Private-Sector Hiring
New York Times (8 Sept 10)

Domino #2 – Meet Gravity: Irish Government To Issue Statement On Future Of Anglo Irish Bank This Afternoon
Zero Hedge (8 Sept 10)

Suicides Cost Japan Economy $32bn
BBC News (7 Sept 10)

Hyperinflation, Part II: What It Will Look Like
Gonzalo Lira (26 Aug 10)

Burry, Predictor of Mortgage Collapse, Bets on Farmland, Gold
SF Gate (7 Sept 10)

Dangerous Defeatism is Taking Hold Among America’s Economic Elites (5 Sept 10)

Currency Trading Soars
The Wall Street Journal (31 Aug 10)


The Exchange Stabilization Fund Role In Financing Cia Covert Operations
Market Skeptics (4 Sept 10)

EU Austerity Policies Risk Civil War in Greece, Warns Top German Economist Dr Sinn (3 Sept 10)

Heavy in Dollars, China Warns of Depreciation
GATA (3 Sept 10)

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