This is the real story the courts will not let you hear, narrated entirely from inside a jail. All 3 parts HD. Narrated by Ammon Bundy. Produced by Gavin Seim. To support Mr. Seim’s work: Please donate. Latest Solari Donation
This is the real story the courts will not let you hear, narrated entirely from inside a jail. All 3 parts HD. Narrated by Ammon Bundy. Produced by Gavin Seim. To support Mr. Seim’s work: Please donate. Latest Solari Donation
“The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are.”
–John Burroughs,
American naturalist and essayist
QUITO, May 30 (Reuters) – Ecuador’s government-run central bank has ordered private banks to repatriate $1.2 billion in overseas deposits and investments to help jump-start the economy, leftist Pres…
India To Take Steps to Control Rising Prices For Food
From the San Diego Union-Tribune (22 Apr 2008)
Rice Rationing Imposed at Wal-Mart’s Warehouse Division
From The Associated Press (23 Apr 2008)…
By Chuck Gibson
The charts below provide an historical perspective of what $10,000 invested in the SP500 would have returned since 1950 during the two periods, May-Oct and Nov-Apr.
[click o…
By Pete Kennedy, Esq.
In a brazen power grab threatening the livelihood of hundreds of small farmers, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is using the state Invasive Species Act to e…
Obama Picks Leon Panetta to Head CIA
Yahoo News (05 Jan 2009)
Leon Panetta on Wikipedia
Central Intelligence Agency on Wikipedia