Rasmussen Reports (16 Feb 10)

Forty-three percent (43%) of U.S. voters rate the performance of their local government as tops compared to its counterparts on the state and federal level.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 14% think the federal government does a better job. Nineteen percent (19%) say state government is better than the other two.

But one-in-four voters (25%) are not sure which level of government performs better.

Sixty percent (60%) of the Political Class, however, rank the federal government as the better of the three, while nearly half (47%) of Mainstream voters prefer the work of local government.

Fifty-six percent (56%) of all voters believe the federal government has too much influence over state government. Only 12% percent say the federal government doesn’t have enough influence over states, and another 26% say the balance is about right.

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