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One reason why trampolines may be dangerous.
I have been looking at the impact of various events and natural disasters on the price of gold. Paul Ferguson made this chart that marks various events on a gold price history for last week’s Sola…
Madam Secretary:
You have asked Congress “Whose side are you on?” when they questioned US efforts in Libya.
See: Clinton Asks Congress, Whose Side Are You On?
Perhaps Congress should ask the same q…
By Terry Jones
Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, and hundreds of thousands would think about shutting down their practices…
Financial markets are gripped by the role derivatives have played in Greece’s debt crisis, but Italy also has a derivatives time bomb, and hundreds of cities are in the 24 billion euro blast zone….
Is the USDA Rigging Science in Favor of Mosanto?
Undernews | 21 May 2015
Routinely suffer retaliation and…
New Class of Swelling Magnets
Revolution Green| 21 May 2015
Potential to energize the…