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Biggest Act of Civil Disobedience in Canadian History
The 2012 Scenario (24 May 12)
Iran Nuclear Talks End With No Deal; New Meeting in June
The New York Times (24 May 12)
Electronic Voting Declared…
Hugh Hendry: Betting On Deflation Through Japan
The Future Tense (23 Feb 12)
Projected PIIGS Pillage: 3233.5 Tons Of Gold To Be Confiscated By Insolvent European Banks
Zero Hedge (23 Feb 12)
[Note from CAF: We first published this piece in 2015. I am moving it up as TISA is moving forward and runs the risk of picking up on provisions that many thought would go away with the US withdr…
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal published an article describing the unemployment picture in the town of Decatur, IL.
Although the unemployment rate in Decatur …
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By Catherine Austin Fitts
Well, now I can stop saying, “The US stock market is long overdue for …
In Stanley Kubrick’s thriller, Eyes Wide Shut, we watch as Dr. Bill Harford (played by Tom Cruise) attends a private party given by a secret society whose members have the power, among other things,…